Source code for xoutil.cli

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Merchise Autrement [~º/~] and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can do what the LICENCE file allows you to.

'''Tools for Command-Line Interface (CLI) applications.

CLI is a mean of interaction with a computer program where the user (or
client) issues commands to the program in the form of successive lines of text
(command lines).

Commands can be registered by:

  - sub-classing the `Command`:class:,
  - using `~abc.ABCMeta.register`:meth: ABC mechanism for virtual sub-classes,
  - redefining `~`Command.sub_commands`` class method.

.. versionadded:: 1.4.1


from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_import)

from import abstractmethod, ABC
from xoutil.objects import staticproperty
from import command_name, program_name

[docs]class Command(ABC): '''Base for all commands. ''' __settings__ = { # 'default_command' : None }
[docs] @classmethod def cli_name(cls): '''Calculate the command name. Standard method uses ``. Redefine it to obtain a different behaviour. Example:: >>> class MyCommand(Command): ... pass >>> MyCommand.cli_name() == 'my-command' True ''' from xoutil.eight import string_types from import hyphen_name unset = object() names = ('command_cli_name', '__command_name__') i, res = 0, unset while i < len(names) and res is unset: name = names[i] res = getattr(cls, names[i], unset) if res is unset: i += 1 elif not isinstance(res, string_types): msg = "Attribute '{}' must be a string.".format(name) raise TypeError(msg) if res is unset: res = hyphen_name(cls.__name__) return res
def __str__(self): return command_name(type(self)) def __repr__(self): return '<command: %s>' % command_name(type(self)) @staticproperty def registry(): '''Obtain all registered commands.''' name = '__registry__' res = getattr(Command, name, {}) if not res: Command._settle_cache(res, Command) assert res.pop(command_name(Command), None) is None Command._check_help(res) setattr(Command, name, res) return res
[docs] @abstractmethod def run(self, args=None): '''Must return a valid value for "sys.exit"''' raise NotImplementedError
@classmethod def get_setting(cls, name, *default): unset = object() aux = len(default) if aux == 0: default = unset elif aux == 1: default = default[0] else: msg = 'get_setting() takes at most 3 arguments ({} given)' raise TypeError(msg.format(aux + 2)) res = cls.__settings__.get(name, default) if res is not unset: return res else: raise KeyError(name) @classmethod def set_setting(cls, name, value): cls.__settings__[name] = value # TODO: Check type
[docs] @classmethod def set_default_command(cls, cmd=None): '''Default command is called when no one is specified. A command is detected when its name appears as the first command-line argument. To specify a default command, use this method with the command as a string (the command name) or the command class. If the command is specified, then the calling class is the selected one. For example:: >>> Command.set_default_command('server') # doctest: +SKIP >>> Server.set_default_command() # doctest: +SKIP >>> Command.set_default_command(Server) # doctest: +SKIP ''' if cls is Command: if cmd is not None: from xoutil.eight import string_types as text name = cmd if isinstance(cmd, text) else command_name(cmd) else: # TODO: consider reset to None raise ValueError('missing command specification!') else: if cmd is None: name = command_name(cls) else: raise ValueError('redundant command specification', cls, cmd) Command.set_setting('default_command', name)
@staticmethod def _settle_cache(target, source, recursed=None): '''`target` is a mapping to store result commands''' # TODO: Convert check based in argument "recursed" in a decorator import sys from xoutil.names import nameof if recursed is None: recursed = set() name = nameof(source, inner=True, full=True) if name not in recursed: recursed.add(name) sub_commands = type.__subclasses__(source) sub_commands.extend(getattr(source, '_abc_registry', ())) cmds = getattr(source, '__commands__', None) if cmds: from collections import Iterable if not isinstance(cmds, Iterable): cmds = cmds() sub_commands.extend(cmds) if sub_commands: for cmd in sub_commands: Command._settle_cache(target, cmd, recursed=recursed) else: # Only branch commands are OK to execute if sys.version_info < (3, 0): from types import MethodType as ValidMethodType else: from types import FunctionType as ValidMethodType assert isinstance(, ValidMethodType), \ 'Invalid type %r for source %r' % ( type(, source ) # noqa target[command_name(source)] = source else: raise ValueError('Reused class "%s"!' % name) @staticmethod def _check_help(target): '''Check that correct help command is present.''' name = HELP_NAME hlp = target[name] if hlp is not Help and not getattr(hlp, '__overwrite__', False): target[name] = Help
[docs]class Help(Command): '''Show all commands. Define the class attribute `__order__` to sort commands in special command "help". Commands could define its help in the first line of a sequence of documentations until found: - command class, - "run" method, - definition module. This command could not be overwritten unless using the class attribute: __override__ = True ''' __order__ = -9999
[docs] @classmethod def get_arg_parser(cls): '''This is an example on how to build local argument parser. Use class method "get ''' # TODO: Use 'add_subparsers' in this logic (see ''). res = getattr(cls, '_arg_parser') if not res: from argparse import ArgumentParser res = ArgumentParser() cls._arg_parser = res return res
[docs] def run(self, args=[]): print('The most commonly used "%s" commands are:' % program_name()) cmds = Command.registry ordered = [(getattr(cmds[cmd], '__order__', 0), cmd) for cmd in cmds] ordered.sort() max_len = len(max(ordered, key=lambda x: len(x[1]))[1]) for _, cmd in ordered: cmd_class = cmds[cmd] doc = self._strip_doc(cmd_class.__doc__) if not doc: doc = self._strip_doc( if not doc: import sys mod_name = cmd_class.__module__ module = sys.modules.get(mod_name, None) if module: doc = self._strip_doc(module.__doc__) doc = '"%s"' % (doc if doc else mod_name) else: doc = '"%s"' % mod_name head = ' ' * 3 + cmd + ' ' * (2 + max_len - len(cmd)) print(head, doc)
@staticmethod def _strip_doc(doc): if doc: doc = str('%s' % doc).strip() return str(doc.split('\n')[0].strip('''"' \t\n\r''')) else: return ''
HELP_NAME = command_name(Help) # TODO: Create "xoutil.config" here del abstractmethod, ABC del staticproperty