Source code for xoutil.eight.mixins

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Merchise Autrement [~º/~] and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can do what the LICENCE file allows you to.

'''Two functions to create helper classes and mixins.

This module is in the `eight` context because these two functions depend on
several concepts that are different in Python 2 and 3.

- `helper_class`:func: creates a base class that represent a meta-class.  For
  example (only for Python 3), `` is different to

    >>> from import ABC, ABCMeta
    >>> class One(ABC):
    ...     pass
    >>> One.__bases__ == (ABC, )
    >>> One.__bases__ == (Mixin, )

    >>> from abc import ABC
    >>> class Two(ABC):
    ...     pass
    >>> Two.__bases__ == (ABC, )
    >>> Two.__bases__ == (Mixin, )

- `mixin`:func: create a base-class tha consolidate several mix-ins and
  meta-classes.  For example::

    >>> from import ABCMeta

    >>> class One(dict):
    ...     pass

    >>> class Two(object):
    ...     pass

    >>> class OneMeta(type):
    ...     pass

    >>> class TwoMeta(type):
    ...     pass

    >>> Test = mixin(One, Two, meta=[OneMeta, TwoMeta, ABCMeta], name='Test')
    >>> Test.__name__ == 'Test'
    >>> isinstance(Test, ABCMeta)

These modules (this one and `meta`) must have four utilities:

- `metaclass` to use a unique syntax to declare meta-classes between Python 2
  and 3.

- `helper_class` to build a class that when used as a base impose a meta-class
  and not is found in resulting bases of defined class.  For example

- `mixin` build a mixin-base composing several parts and meta-classes.

- `compose` specify the use of a mixin as one of the bases, but the new
  defined class will not be a mixin, this is not implemented yet because will
  require a big architecture re-factoring; for example::

    class Foobar(MyBase, compose(MyMixin)):

Maybe the last two names must be interchanged.


from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_import)

from xoutil.eight.meta import Mixin

from re import compile

_META_STRIP = compile('(?i)(^(meta(class)?|type)_{0,2}|'

_MIXIN_STRIP = compile('(?i)(^mixin_{0,2}|_{0,2}mixin$)')

del compile

[docs]def helper_class(meta, name=None, meta_doc=False): '''Create a helper class based in the meta-class concept. :param meta: The meta-class type to base returned helper-class on it. :param name: The name (``__name__``) to assign to the returned class; if None is given, a nice name is calculated. :param meta_doc: Append `meta` documentation. For example:: >>> from abc import ABCMeta >>> ABC = helper_class(ABCMeta) # better than Python 3's abc.ABC :( >>> class MyError(Exception, ABC): ... pass >>> (MyError.__bases__ == (Exception,), hasattr(MyError, 'register')) (True, True) This function calls `metaclass`:func: internally. So, in the example anterior, `MyError` declaration is equivalent to:: >>> class MyError(Exception, metaclass(ABCMeta)): ... pass .. versionadded:: 1.9.7 Add parameter 'meta_doc'. ''' from xoutil.eight.meta import metaclass res = metaclass(meta) doc = ('Helper class that provides a standard way to create {article} ' '{name} using inheritance.') name = name or _META_STRIP.sub('', meta.__name__) res.__name__ = name article = 'an' if name[0] in "aeiouAEIOU" else 'a' doc = doc.format(name=name, article=article) if meta_doc and meta.__doc__: doc = '\n'.join((doc, meta.__doc__)) res.__doc__ = doc if meta.__module__: res.__module__ = meta.__module__ return res
[docs]def mixin(*args, **kwargs): '''Weave a `mixin`. Parameters of this function are a little tricky. :param name: The name of the new class created by this function. Could be passed as positional or keyword argument. Use ``__name__`` as an alias. See `helper_class`:func: for more info about this parameter and next two. :param doc: Documentation of the returned mixin-class. Could be passed as positional or keyword argument. Use ``__doc__`` as an alias. :param module: Always given as a keyword parameter. A string -or an object to be used as reference- representing the module name. Use ``__module__`` as an alias. :param metaclass: Always given as a keyword parameter. Could be one type value or a list of values (multiples meta-classes). Use (``__metaclass__``, ``metaclasses``, or ``meta``) as aliases. If several mixins with the same base are used all-together in a class inheritance, Python generates ``TypeError: multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict``. To avoid that, inherit from the class this function returns instead of desired `base`. ''' from xoutil.eight.meta import metaclass name, doc, bases = _name_doc_and_bases(args, kwargs) metas = _get_metaclasses(kwargs) mod = _get_module(bases, kwargs) mod = _calc_module(mod) _check_repeated(kwargs) if metas: kw = {'module': mod} if len(metas) == 1: meta = metas[0] else: meta = mixin(*metas, name='MultiMixinMeta', __nobase__=True, **kw) bases = bases + (metaclass(meta, **kw), ) attrs = dict(kwargs, __doc__=doc) if mod: attrs['__module__'] = mod res = type(name, bases, attrs) # Mixin.register(type(res)) return res
def _isname(s): '''Determine if `s` is a `mixin` name or not.''' from keyword import iskeyword from xoutil.eight import string_types from xoutil.eight.string import isidentifier if isinstance(s, string_types): res = isidentifier(s) if not (res and iskeyword(res)): return res else: msg = '''Reserved keyword "{}" can't be used as name''' raise ValueError(msg.format(res)) else: return False def _name_doc_and_bases(args, kwargs): '''Extract from positional args the name, doc and bases for a mixin.''' from xoutil.eight import string_types args = list(args) name = None doc = None i, count = 0, len(args) while i < count and not doc: s = args[i] if not name: aux = _isname(s) if aux: name = aux args.pop(i) count -= 1 else: i += 1 elif isinstance(s, string_types): s = str(s).strip() if s: doc = s args.pop(i) count -= 1 else: raise ValueError('Invalid empty `mixin` documentation.') else: i += 1 bases = _get_canonical_bases(args, kwargs) if not name: name = _get_kwarg(('__name__', 'name'), kwargs) if name: name = str(name) else: if bases: base = bases[0] aux = 'Basic' if base is Mixin else base.__name__ aux = _MIXIN_STRIP.sub('', aux) suffix = '_mixin' if aux[0].islower() else 'Mixin' name = aux + suffix else: name = 'Mixin' if not doc: doc = _get_kwarg(('__doc__', 'doc'), kwargs) if not doc: names = ', '.join(b.__name__ for b in bases if b is not Mixin) if names: doc = 'Generated mixin base from ({}).'.format(names) aux = bases[0].__doc__ if aux: doc += ('\n\n' + aux) else: doc = 'Generated mixin base.' return name, doc, bases def _get_kwarg(keys, kwargs): aux = (v for v in (kwargs.pop(k, None) for k in keys) if v is not None) return next(aux, None) def _check_repeated(kwargs): keys = ('__name__', '__doc__', 'metaclass', '__metaclass__', '__module__') aux = {k for k, v in ((k, kwargs.get(k)) for k in keys) if v is not None} if aux: raise ValueError('Repeated keyword arguments: {}'.format(aux)) def _get_canonical_bases(args, kwargs): res = [] abm = not kwargs.pop('__nobase__', False) for arg in args: i, count = 0, len(res) found = False while not found and i < count: if arg in type.mro(res[i]): # `issubclass` not used because ABCs found = True elif res[i] in type.mro(arg): res[i] = arg found = True else: i += 1 if not found: res.append(arg) if not abm and Mixin in type.mro(arg): abm = False if abm: res.append(Mixin) return tuple(res) def _get_metaclasses(kwargs): names = ('metaclass', 'meta', 'metaclasses', '__metaclass__') res = _get_kwarg(names, kwargs) if res: res = tuple(res) if isinstance(res, (tuple, list)) else (res, ) return res def _get_module(bases, kwargs): from xoutil.eight import string_types res = _get_kwarg(('module', '__module__'), kwargs) if res: if isinstance(res, string_types): res = str(res) elif isinstance(res, bool): aux = bases[0].__module__ res = aux if aux != object.__module__ else None else: res = res.__module__ return res def _get_frame_module(): DEPTH = 3 try: from sys import _getframe except ImportError: def _getframe(arg): attrs = dict(f_globals={'__name__': '<mixin>'}) return type('frame', (object,), attrs) return _getframe(DEPTH).f_globals.get('__name__') def _calc_module(mod): from xoutil.eight import string_types as strs _type = isinstance(mod, type) if mod or _type: if _type: return mod.__module__ elif isinstance(mod, strs): mod = str(mod) return mod.format(_get_frame_module()) if '{}' in mod else mod else: return _get_frame_module() else: return None