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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (c) Merchise Autrement [~º/~] and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can do what the LICENCE file allows you to.

'''Tools for working with functions in a more "pure" way.


from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_import)

from xoutil.eight.meta import metaclass
from import ABCMeta

[docs]def identity(arg): '''Returns its argument unaltered.''' return arg
[docs]def fst(pair, strict=True): '''Return the first element of `pair`. If `strict` is True, `pair` needs to unpack to exactly two values. If `strict` is False this is the same as ``pair[0]``. .. note:: This is an idiomatic function intended for using in compositions or as the argument or high-level functions. Don't use it in your code as a replacement of ``x[0]``. .. versionadded:: 1.8.5 ''' if strict: res, _ = pair return res else: return pair[0]
[docs]def snd(pair, strict=True): '''Return the second element of `pair`. If `strict` is True, `pair` needs to unpack to exactly two values. If `strict` is False this is the same as ``pair[1]``. .. note:: This is an idiomatic function intended for using in compositions or as the argument or high-level functions. Don't use it in your code as a replacement of ``x[1]``. .. versionadded:: 1.8.5 ''' if strict: _, res = pair return res else: return pair[1]
class MetaCompose(ABCMeta): '''Meta-class for function composition.''' def __instancecheck__(self, instance): '''Override for ``isinstance(instance, self)``.''' from xoutil.eight import callable res = super(MetaCompose, self).__instancecheck__(instance) if not res: # TODO: maybe only those with parameters. res = callable(instance) return res def __subclasscheck__(self, subclass): '''Override for ``issubclass(subclass, self)``.''' res = super(MetaCompose, self).__subclasscheck__(subclass) if not res: from xoutil.future.types import FuncTypes res = subclass in FuncTypes return res
[docs]class compose(metaclass(MetaCompose)): '''Composition of several functions. Functions are composed right to left. A composition of zero functions gives back the `identity`:func: function. The following rules (the arguments of `all`) are always true:: >>> x = 15 >>> f, g, h = x.__add__, x.__mul__, x.__xor__ >>> all((compose() is identity, ... ... # identity functions are optimized ... compose(identity, f, identity) is f, ... ... compose(f) is f, ... compose(g, f)(x) == g(f(x)), ... compose(h, g, f)(x) == h(g(f(x))))) True If any "intermediate" function returns an instance of: - `pos_args`:class:\ : it's expanded as variable positional arguments to the next function. - `kw_args`:class:\ : it's expanded as variable keyword arguments to the next function. - `full_args`:class:\ : it's expanded as variable positional and keyword arguments to the next function. The expected usage of these is **not** to have function return those types directly, but to use them when composing functions that return tuples and expect tuples. ''' # TODO: __slots__ = ('inner', 'scope') def __new__(cls, *functions): functions = [fn for fn in functions if fn is not identity] count = len(functions) if count == 0: return identity else: from xoutil.eight import callable if all(callable(f) for f in functions): if count == 1: return functions[0] else: from xoutil.symbols import Unset self = super(compose, cls).__new__(cls) self.inner = functions self.scope = Unset return self else: raise TypeError('at least one argument is not callable') def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): funcs = self.inner count = len(funcs) if count: i = 1 res = full_args((args, kwds)) while i <= count: try: fn = funcs[-i] if isinstance(res, pos_args): res = fn(*res) elif isinstance(res, kw_args): res = fn(**res) elif isinstance(res, full_args): res = fn(*res[0], **res[1]) else: res = fn(res) except Exception: # TODO: @med What's the point of of resetting scope under # exception? Should this `try..` even be? self.scope = (count - i, fn) raise i += 1 return res else: return identity(*args, **kwds) def __repr__(self): '''Get composed function representation''' from import nameof if self.inner: def getname(fn): return nameof(fn).replace((lambda: None).__name__, 'λ') return ' . '.join(getname(fn) for fn in self.inner) else: return nameof(identity) def __str__(self): '''Get composed function string''' count = len(self.inner) if count == 0: return identity.__doc__ else: res = self.inner[0].__doc__ if count == 1 else None if not res: res = 'Composed function: <{!r}>'.format(self) return res def _get_name(self): res = self.__dict__.get('__name__') if res is None: res = repr(self) return res def _set_name(self, value): self.__dict__['__name__'] = value __name__ = property(_get_name, _set_name) def _get_doc(self): res = self.__dict__.get('__doc__') if res is None: res = str(self) return res def _set_doc(self, value): self.__dict__['__doc__'] = value __doc__ = property(_get_doc, _set_doc) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(type(other), MetaCompose): return self.inner == other.inner elif self.inner: return self.inner[0] == other else: return other is identity def __len__(self): return len(self.inner) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.inner) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.inner def __getitem__(self, index): res = self.inner[index] return compose(*res) if isinstance(res, list) else res # TODO: Should we really allow compose be mutable? def __setitem__(self, index, value): if isinstance(index, slice) and isinstance(type(value), MetaCompose): value = value.inner self.inner[index] = value def __delitem__(self, index): del self.inner[index]
[docs]class pos_args(tuple): '''Mark variable number positional arguments (see `full_args`:class:).'''
[docs]class kw_args(dict): '''Mark variable number keyword arguments (see `full_args`:class:).'''
[docs]class full_args(tuple): '''Mark variable number arguments for composition. Pair containing positional and keyword ``(args, kwds)`` arguments. In standard functional composition, the result of a function is considered a single value to be use as the next function argument. You can override this behaviour returning one instance of `pos_args`:class:, `kw_args`:class:, or this class; in order to provide multiple arguments to the next call. Since types are callable, you may use it directly in `compose`:func: instead of changing your functions to returns the instance of one of these classes:: >>> def join_args(*args): ... return ' -- '.join(str(arg) for arg in args) >>> compose(join_args, pos_args, list, range)(2) '0 -- 1' # Without 'pos_args', it prints the list >>> compose(join_args, list, range)(2) '[0, 1]' ''' @staticmethod def parse(arg): '''Parse possible alternatives. If ``arg`` is: - a pair of a ``tuple`` and a ``dict``, return a `full_args`:class: instance. - a ``tuple`` or a ``list``, return a `pos_args`:class: instance; - a ``dict``, return a `kw_args`:class: instance; - ``None``, return an empty `pos_args`:class: instance. For example (remember that functions return 'None' when no explicit 'return' is issued):: >>> def join_args(*args): ... if args: ... return ' -- '.join(str(arg) for arg in args) >>> compose(join_args, full_args.parse, join_args)() None # Without 'full_args.parse', return 'str(None)' >>> compose(join_args, join_args)() 'None' ''' if isinstance(arg, tuple): def check(pos, kw): return isinstance(pos, tuple) and isinstance(kw, dict) if len(arg) == 2 and check(*arg): return full_args(arg) else: return pos_args(arg) elif isinstance(arg, list): return pos_args(arg) elif isinstance(arg, dict): return kw_args(arg) elif arg is None: return pos_args() else: from xoutil.eight import typeof msg = 'Expecting None, a tuple, a list, or a dict; {} found' raise TypeError(msg.format(typeof(arg).__name__))