Source code for xoutil.dim.base

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (c) Merchise Autrement [~º/~] and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can do what the LICENCE file allows you to.

'''The standard `physical quantities`_.

.. _physical quantities: \


from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_import)

from .meta import (

def kilo(v):
    return 1000 * v

def centi(v):
    return v / 100

def milli(v):
    return v / 1000

def micro(v):
    return v / 1000000

def nano(v):
    return v / (10**9)

[docs] class Length: metre = UNIT kilometer = km = kilo(metre) centimeter = cm = centi(metre) millimeter = mm = milli(metre) nanometer = nm = nano(metre)
metre = m = Length.m = Length.metre L = Length
[docs] class Time: second = UNIT millisecond = ms = milli(second) nanosecond = ns = nano(second) minute = second * 60 hour = minute * 60
second = s = Time.s = Time.second T = Time
[docs]'kg', )) class Mass: kilogram = UNIT gram = kilogram / 1000
kilogram = kg = M = Mass
[docs]'A') class ElectricCurrent: ampere = UNIT milliampere = milli(ampere)
A = ampere = ElectricCurrent.A I = ElectricCurrent
[docs]'K') class Temperature: kelvin = UNIT
[docs] @classmethod def from_celcius(cls, val): 'Convert `val` ºC to K' return (val + 273.15) * cls.kelvin
[docs] @classmethod def from_fahrenheit(cls, val): 'Convert `val` ºF to K' return (val + 459.67) * (5 / 9) * cls.kelvin
K = kelvin = Temperature.K O = Temperature # The actual symbol would be the capital letter Theta: Θ
[docs]'mol') class Substance: mole = UNIT
mole = mol = Substance.mol N = Substance
[docs] class Luminosity: candela = UNIT
J = Luminosity # Derived quantities Area = L**2 Volume = L**3 Volume.metre_cubic = Volume._unit_ Volume._unitname_ = 'metre_cubic' Frequency = T**-1 Frequency.Hz = Frequency._unit_ Force = L * M / T**2 assert hasattr(Force, 'metre_kilogram_per_second_squared') assert Force == L * M * T**-2 Force.Newton = Force.N = Force._unit_ Presure = M / L / T**2 assert hasattr(Presure, 'kilogram_per_metre_per_second_squared') assert Presure == L**-1 * M * T**-2, 'as defined in Wikipedia' Presure.Pascal = Presure.Pa = Presure._unit_ Velocity = L / T Acceleration = L / T**2