xotl.tools.context - Simple execution contexts


About thread-locals and contexts.

The context uses internally a thread-local instance to keep context stacks in different threads from seeing each other.

If, when this module is imported, greenlet is imported already, greenlet isolation is also warranted (which implies thread isolation).

If you use collaborative multi-tasking based in other framework other than greenlet, you must ensure to monkey patch the threading.local class so that isolation is kept.

In future releases of xotl.tools, we plan to provide a way to inject a “process” identity manager so that other frameworks be easily integrated.

Changed in version 1.7.1: Changed the test about greenlet. Instead of testing for greenlet to be importable, test it is imported already.

Changed in version 1.6.9: Added direct greenlet isolation and removed the need for gevent.local.

New in version 1.6.8: Uses gevent.local if available to isolate greenlets.