xotl.tools.records - Records definitions

Included reader builders

The following functions build readers for standards types.


You cannot use these functions themselves as readers, but you must call them to obtain the desired reader.

All these functions have a pair of keywords arguments nullable and default. The argument nullable indicates whether the value must be present or not. The function check_nullable() implements this check and allows other to create their own builders with the same semantic.

Checking for null values

These couple of functions allows you to define new builders that use the same null concept. For instance, if you need readers that parse dates in diferent locales you may do:

def date_reader(nullable=False, default=None, locale=None):
    from xotl.tools.records import check_nullable
    from babel.dates import parse_date, LC_TIME
    from datetime import datetime
    if not locale:
        locale = LC_TIME

    def reader(value):
        if check_nullable(value, nullable):
            return parse_date(value, locale=locale)
            return default
    return reader