Source code for xoutil.connote

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# xoutil.connote
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# Copyright (c) 2015 Merchise and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# Author: Medardo Rodriguez
# Contributors: see CONTRIBUTORS and HISTORY file
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the LICENCE attached (see LICENCE file) in the distribution
# package.
# Created 2015-07-11

'''A *predicate* is seen as a property that a subject has or is characterized
by.  A predicate is therefore an expression that can be true of something
(involve as a necessary condition of consequence).  Thus, the expression "is
moving" is true of those things that are moving.

The main class of this module is :class:`Predicate`.

.. versionadded:: 1.7.0


from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,

from xoutil.functools import lwraps as lw

[docs]class Predicate(object): '''A definition of a validation function using a grammar of simple predicates. All parameters are checkers; those given by name (keyword arguments) are used to produce named anonymous checkers, for example: >>> from xoutil.predicate import Predicate >>> p = Predicate(int, is_valid_age=lambda age: 0 < age <= 120) A lambda wrapper (:func:`lw`) can be used to decorate anonymous functions; so, last declaration is equivalent to:: >>> p = Predicate(int, lw('is_valid_age', lambda age: 0 < age <= 120)) There is a special keyword argument ('__named__'); if present and True; a name will be generated for the predicate. Each checker could be: - A type (or tuple of types) to test with ``isinstance(value, checker)`` - A set, a value will be valid if is contained in the set. - A mapping, a value will be valid if is contained in the mapping and its value is True. - A tuple of other inner checkers, if any of the checkers validates a value, the value is valid (OR). - A list of other inner checkers, all checkers must validate the value (AND). - A callable that receives the value and returns True if the value is valid. - ``True``, ``False`` or any instance of `Logical` could be used as checkers always validating or invalidating the value. - An empty list is synonym of ``True``, an empty tuple, set or mapping is synonym of ``False``. Any other value will return False (fail). .. note:: Above definition is controversial, maybe a exception must be raised if a invalid checker is used. With this class, it could be built real type checkers, for example:: >>> from xoutil.predicate import Predicate as pp >>> numbers = (int, float) >>> is_valid_age = pp(numbers, valid_age=lambda age: 0 < age <= 120) >>> is_valid_age(100) True >>> is_valid_age(130) False >>> is_valid_age(85.5) True Other simple example:: >>> always_true = predicate(True) >>> always_true(False) True >>> always_false = predicate(False) >>> always_false(True) False >>> always_true = predicate() >>> always_true(1) True >>> always_true('any string') True >>> always_false = predicate(()) >>> always_false(1) False >>> always_false('any string') False ''' __slots__ = ('__name__', 'checkers', 'failed_stack') DEFAULT_NAME = str('predicate') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Create a predicate.''' named = kwargs.pop('__named__', False) self.checkers = list(args) for name in kwargs: self.checkers.append(lw(name, kwargs[name])) self.failed_stack = [] self.__name__ = self.DEFAULT_NAME if named: self.get_name()
[docs] def get_name(self): '''Get a name representation suitable for this predicate. This method is used in the constructor to cache this value if keyword argument '__named__' is given and True. ''' if self.__name__ == self.DEFAULT_NAME: self.__name__ = _get_checker_name(self.checkers) return self.__name__
__str__ = get_name def __repr__(self): return _get_checker_name(self.checkers, full=True) def __call__(self, obj): '''Check is `obj` is a valid instance for a set of checkers.''' from xoutil.logical import Logical from xoutil.collections import Set, Mapping from xoutil.eight import callable def valid(chk, stack=True): if isinstance(chk, (bool, Logical)): res = bool(chk) elif isinstance(chk, type): res = isinstance(obj, chk) elif isinstance(chk, tuple): if not chk: res = False elif all(isinstance(c, type) for c in chk): res = isinstance(obj, chk) else: res = any(valid(c, stack=False) for c in chk) elif isinstance(chk, list): res = all(valid(c) for c in chk) elif isinstance(chk, Set): res = obj in chk elif isinstance(chk, Mapping): res = chk.get(obj, False) elif callable(chk): res = chk(obj) else: res = False if not res and stack: self.failed_stack.append(chk) return res self.failed_stack = [] aux = (chk for chk in self.checkers if not valid(chk)) return next(aux, None) is None
def _get_checker_name(checker, full=False): '''Return a nice name for a `checker`. :param full: If True, return a detailed representation of the checker. See :class:`Predicate` for possible checker kinds. ''' from xoutil.logical import Logical from xoutil.collections import Set, Mapping, PascalSet from xoutil.eight import callable from xoutil.inspect import type_name from xoutil.string import safe_str as sstr # , safe_repr as srepr srepr = repr if isinstance(checker, (bool, Logical)): return str(checker) elif isinstance(checker, Predicate): return str('p(%s)') % checker.get_name() elif isinstance(checker, type): return type_name(checker, affirm=True) elif isinstance(checker, list): if not checker: return str(True) else: return str(' & ').join(_get_checker_name(c) for c in checker) elif isinstance(checker, tuple): if not checker: return str(False) elif all(isinstance(c, type) for c in checker): return type_name(checker, affirm=True) else: res = str(' | ').join(_get_checker_name(c) for c in checker) return str('(%s)' % res) elif isinstance(checker, PascalSet): return str(checker) elif isinstance(checker, Set): if checker: aux = srepr(next(iter(checker))) if len(checker) > 1: aux += str(', ...') else: aux = str() return str('{%s}') % aux elif isinstance(checker, Mapping): if checker: key = next(iter(checker)) aux = str('%s: %s') % (srepr(key), srepr(checker[key])) if len(checker) > 1: aux += str(', ...') else: aux = str() return str('{%s}') % aux elif callable(checker): res = type_name(checker, affirm=True) if 'lambda' in res: from inspect import getargspec res = res.replace('<lambda>', '<λ>') args = getargspec(checker).args res = sstr('%s(%s)' % (res, ', '.join(args))) return res else: return str('False(%)' % srepr(checker))