Source code for xoutil.crypto

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# xoutil.crypto
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2015 Merchise and Contributors
# Copyright (c) 2014 Merchise Autrement and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# Author: Medardo Rodriguez
# Contributors: see CONTRIBUTORS and HISTORY file
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the LICENCE attached (see LICENCE file) in the distribution
# package.
# Created on 2014-04-22

'''General security tools.

Adds the ability to generate new passwords using a source pass-phrase and a
secury strong level.


from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_imports)

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('PASS_PHRASE_LEVEL_BASIC',
del strs

#: The most basic level (less ) for the password generation.

#: A level for simply mapping of several chars.

#: Another "stronger" mapping level.

#: Appends the year after mapping.

#: Totally scramble the result, making very hard to predict the result.

#: The default level for :func:`generate_password`

#: A mapping from names to standards levels.  You may use these strings as
#: arguments for `level` in `generate_password`:func:.

BASIC_PASSWORD_SIZE = 4    # bytes

#: An upper limit for generated password length.

SAMPLE = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"

def _normalize_level(level):
    '''Normalize the `level` argument.

    If passed a string, it must be a key in `PASS_LEVEL_NAME_MAPPING`:obj:.
    Otherwise it must be a valid level number.

    from xoutil.eight import string_types
    if isinstance(level, string_types):
        return PASS_LEVEL_NAME_MAPPING[level]
        return level

[docs]def generate_password(pass_phrase, level=DEFAULT_PASS_PHRASE_LEVEL): '''Generate a password from a source `pass-phrase` and a security `level`. :param pass_phrase: String pass-phrase to be used as base of password generation process. :param level: Numerical security level (the bigger the more secure, but don't exaggerate!). When `pass_phrase` is a valid string, `level` means a generation method. Each level implies all other with an inferior numerical value. There are several definitions with numerical values for `level` (0-4): :data:`PASS_PHRASE_LEVEL_BASIC` Generate the same pass-phrase, just removing invalid characters and converting the result to lower-case. :data:`PASS_PHRASE_LEVEL_MAPPED` Replace some characters with new values: ``'e'->'3'``, ``'i'->'1'``, ``'o'->'0'``, ``'s'->'5'``. :data:`PASS_PHRASE_LEVEL_MAPPED_MIXED` Consonants characters before 'M' (included) are converted to upper-case, all other are kept lower-case. :data:`PASS_PHRASE_LEVEL_MAPPED_DATED` Adds a suffix with the year of current date ("<YYYY>"). :data:`PASS_PHRASE_LEVEL_STRICT` Randomly scramble previous result until unbreakable strong password is obtained. If `pass_phrase` is ``None`` or an empty string, generate a "secure salt" (a password not based in a source pass-phrase). A "secure salt" is generated by scrambling the concatenation of a random phrases from the alphanumeric vocabulary. Returned password size is ``4*level`` except when a `pass-phrase` is given for `level` <= 4 where depend on the count of valid characters of `pass-phrase` argument, although minimum required is warranted. When `pass-phrase` is ``None`` for `level` zero or negative, size ``4`` is assumed. First four levels are considered weak. Maximum size is defined in the :data:`MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE` constant. Default level is :data:`PASS_PHRASE_LEVEL_MAPPED_DATED` when using a pass-phrase. ''' from random import sample, randint from xoutil.string import normalize_slug level = _normalize_level(level) size = MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE + 1 # means, return all calculated required = min(max(level, 1)*BASIC_PASSWORD_SIZE, MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE) if pass_phrase: # PASS_PHRASE_LEVEL_BASIC res = normalize_slug(pass_phrase, '', invalids='_') if level >= PASS_PHRASE_LEVEL_MAPPED: for (old, new) in ('e3', 'i1', 'o0', 's5'): res = res.replace(old, new) if level >= PASS_PHRASE_LEVEL_MAPPED_MIXED: for new in "BCDFGHJKLM": old = new.lower() res = res.replace(old, new) if level >= PASS_PHRASE_LEVEL_MAPPED_DATED: from datetime import datetime today = res += today.strftime("%Y") if level >= PASS_PHRASE_LEVEL_STRICT: size = required else: size = required count = randint(BASIC_PASSWORD_SIZE, 2*BASIC_PASSWORD_SIZE) res = ''.join(sample(SAMPLE, count)) if size <= MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE: if len(res) < size: needed = (size - len(res)) // BASIC_PASSWORD_SIZE + 1 res += generate_password(None, needed) res = ''.join(sample(res, size)) return res[:size]