Source code for xoutil.logical

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# xoutil.logical
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2015 Merchise and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the LICENCE attached in the distribution package.
# Created on 2015-02-23

'''Fixed special logical values like Unset, Ignored, Required, etc...

All values only could be `True` or `False` but are intended in places where
`None` is expected to be a valid value or for special Boolean formats.


from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_imports)

# TODO: Maybe `UnsetType` can be deprecated after this module.

from abc import ABCMeta
from .eight.meta import metaclass

class MetaLogical(ABCMeta):
    '''Metaclass for logical types.'''

    def __init__(self, name, bases, attrs):
        # from weakref import WeakValueDictionary as maptype
        maptype = dict    # TODO: weak refs not working with slots in Python3
        if issubclass(self, int):    # ``bool`` is not allowed as a base class
            super(MetaLogical, self).__init__(name, bases, attrs)
            self.__instances__ = maptype()
            raise TypeError('Only `int` sub-classes are allowed!')

    def _get_instance(self, name, value):
        '''Get or create a new logical instance.

        :param name: String representing the internal name.  Logical instances
               are unique (singletons) in the context of this argument.  ``#``
               and spaces are invalid characters to allow comments.

        :param value: Any value compatible with Python `bool` (Always is
               converted to this type before using it).  Default is `False`.

        This method is only intended to be called from `__new__` special
        method implementations.

        from .eight import intern as unique
        name = unique(name)
        if name:
            value = bool(value)
            res = self.__instances__.get(name)
            if res is None:    # Create the new instance
                res = super(self, self).__new__(self, value)
                self.__instances__[name] = res
            elif res != value:    # Check existing instance
                msg = 'Incorrect value for existing instance: %s '
                raise ValueError(msg % name)
            return res
            raise ValueError('Name must be a valid non empty string!')

    def get_name(self, value):
        '''Returns name of a given logical instance (:param value:).

        Standard Python Boolean values are valid too.

            d = self.__instances__
            items = ((name, d[name]) for name in d)
            return next(name for name, obj in items if obj is value)
        except StopIteration:
            return repr(bool(value))

    def parse(self, value):
        '''Returns instance (or None if not found) from a string.

        Standard Python Boolean values are parsed too.

        if '#' in value:    # Remove comment
            value = value.split('#')[0].strip()
        key = next((key for key in self.__instances__ if key == value), None)
        if key is not None:
            return self.__instances__[key]
            try:    # Standard Python Boolean values
                res = eval(value)
                if not (res is True or res is False):
                    res = None
                res = None
            return res

class Logical(int, metaclass(MetaLogical)):
    '''Instances are custom logical values (`True` or `False`).

    See :meth:`~MetaLogical._get_instance` method for information on
    constructor arguments.

    For example::

      >>> true = Logical('true', True)
      >>> false = Logical('false')
      >>> none = Logical('false')
      >>> unset = Logical('unset')

      >>> class X(object):
      ...      attr = None

      >>> getattr(X(), 'attr') is not None

      >>> getattr(X(), 'attr', false) is not false

      >>> none is false

      >>> false == False

      >>> false == unset

      >>> false is unset

      >>> true == True


    __slots__ = ()

    def __new__(cls, name, value=False):
        '''Constructor of a new instance.'''
        return cls._get_instance(name, value)

    def __repr__(self):
        return type(self).get_name(self)

    __str__ = __repr__

del ABCMeta, metaclass