Source code for xoutil.progress

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# xoutil.progress
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2015 Merchise and Contributors
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Merchise Autrement and Contributors
# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Medardo Rodríguez
# All rights reserved.
# Author: Medardo Rodriguez
# Contributors: see CONTRIBUTORS and HISTORY file
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the LICENCE attached (see LICENCE file) in the distribution
# package.

'''Tool to show a progress percent in the terminal.'''

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode)

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('Progress')
del strs

_HELIX = '|/-\\'

[docs]class Progress(object): ''' Print a progress percent to the console. Also the elapsed and the estimated times. To signal an increment in progress just call the instance and (optionally) pass a message like in:: progress = Progress(10) for i in range(10): progress() ''' def __init__(self, max_value=100, delta=1, first_message=None, display_width=None): from xoutil.datetime import datetime self.max_value = max_value = delta self.percent = self.value = 0 self.start_time = self.first_message = first_message self.display_width = display_width def __call__(self, progress=None, message='...'): if self.first_message is not None: print(self.first_message) self.first_message = None if progress is None: self.value += else: self.value = progress percent = 100 * self.value // self.max_value if self.percent != percent: import sys from xoutil.datetime import strfdelta self.percent = percent helix = _HELIX[percent % len(_HELIX)] elapsed = - self.start_time _cls = type(elapsed) total = _cls(seconds=elapsed.total_seconds() * 100 / self.percent) _fmt = '\r{helix} {percent}% - "{elapsed}" of about "{total}"' progress_line = _fmt.format(helix=helix, percent=percent, elapsed=strfdelta(elapsed), total=strfdelta(total)) max_width = self.display_width or self._get_terminal_width() _fmt = ('{message: >%d}' % (max_width - len(progress_line) - 1)) progress_line += _fmt.format(message=message) print(progress_line, end=('' if percent != 100 else '\n\r')) sys.stdout.flush() def _get_terminal_width(self, default=120): import os try: return int(os.environ.get('COLUMNS', default)) except ValueError: return default