Source code for xoutil.types

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# xoutil.types
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2015 Merchise and Contributors
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Merchise Autrement and Contributors
# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Medardo Rodríguez
# All rights reserved.
# Author: Medardo Rodriguez
# Contributors: see CONTRIBUTORS and HISTORY file
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the LICENCE attached (see LICENCE file) in the distribution
# package.

This modules mirrors all the functions (and, in general, objects) from the
standard library module ``types``; but it also includes several new types and
type-related functions.

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_imports)

from xoutil.modules import copy_members as _copy_python_module_members

_pm = _copy_python_module_members()
GeneratorType = _pm.GeneratorType
FunctionType = _pm.FunctionType
ModuleType = _pm.ModuleType

del _pm, _copy_python_module_members

from xoutil import Unset as _unset
from collections import Mapping

# FIXME: [med] Reintroduce UnsetType or deprecate it here.
from xoutil.logical import Logical as UnsetType    # noqa

from xoutil.names import strlist as strs
__all__ = strs('mro_dict', 'UnsetType', 'MappingProxyType',
               'SlotWrapperType', 'is_iterable', 'is_collection',
               'is_string_like', 'is_scalar', 'is_staticmethod',
               'is_classmethod', 'is_instancemethod', 'is_slotwrapper',
               'is_module', 'Required', 'NoneType', 'new_class',
del strs

from .eight.types import (MappingProxyType, MemberDescriptorType,    # noqa
                          NoneType, MappingProxyType, SimpleNamespace,
                          DynamicClassAttribute, new_class, prepare_class,

#: The type of methods that are builtin in Python.
#: This is roughly the type of the ``object.__getattribute__`` method.
WrapperDescriptorType = SlotWrapperType = type(object.__getattribute__)

from xoutil.eight.exceptions import StandardError, BaseException    # noqa

# TODO: deprecate next
ExceptionBase = BaseException

from re import compile as _regex_compile

RegexPattern = type(_regex_compile(''))

del _regex_compile

def type_coerce(obj):
    '''Ensure return a valid type from `obj`.'''
    from xoutil.eight import class_types as ctypes
    return obj if isinstance(obj, ctypes) else obj.__class__

[docs]class mro_dict(Mapping): '''Utility behaving like a read-only dict of `target` MRO attributes. For example:: >>> class A(object): ... x = 12 ... y = 34 >>> class B(A): ... y = 56 ... z = 78 >>> d = mro_dict(B) >>> d['x'] 12 >>> d['y'] 56 >>> d['z'] 78 ''' # TODO: What is the application for this utility? __slots__ = ('_probes', '_keys') def __init__(self, target): from xoutil.inspect import _static_getmro type_ = type_coerce(target) target_mro = _static_getmro(type_) self._probes = tuple(c.__dict__ for c in target_mro) self._keys = set() def __getitem__(self, name): from xoutil.objects import get_first_of result = get_first_of(self._probes, name, default=_unset) if result is not _unset: return result else: raise KeyError(name) def __iter__(self): if not self._keys: self._settle_keys() return iter(self._keys) def __len__(self): if not self._keys: self._settle_keys() return len(self._keys) def _settle_keys(self): for probe in self._probes: for key in probe: if key not in self._keys: self._keys.add(key)
def mro_get_value_list(cls, name): '''Return a list with all `cls` class attributes in MRO.''' from xoutil.inspect import _static_getmro mro = _static_getmro(type_coerce(cls)) return [t.__dict__[name] for t in mro if name in t.__dict__] def mro_get_full_mapping(cls, name): '''Return a dictionary with all items from `cls` in MRO. All values corresponding to `name` must be valid mappings. ''' aux = mro_get_value_list(cls, name) count = len(aux) if count == 0: return {} elif count == 1: return aux[0] else: res = {} for m in aux: for key in m: if key not in res: res[key] = m[key] return res # TODO: Many of is_*method methods here are needed to be compared against the # standard lib's module inspect versions. If they behave the same, these # should be deprecated in favor of the standards.
[docs]def is_iterable(maybe): '''Returns True if `maybe` is an iterable object (e.g. implements the `__iter__` method): :: >>> is_iterable('all strings are iterable') True # Numbers are not >>> is_iterable(1) False >>> from xoutil.eight import range >>> is_iterable(range(1)) True >>> is_iterable({}) True >>> is_iterable(tuple()) True >>> is_iterable(set()) True ''' try: iter(maybe) except: return False else: return True
[docs]def is_collection(maybe): '''Test `maybe` to see if it is a tuple, a list, a set or a generator function. It returns False for dictionaries and strings:: >>> is_collection('all strings are iterable') False # Numbers are not >>> is_collection(1) False >>> from xoutil.eight import range >>> is_collection(range(1)) True >>> is_collection({}) False >>> is_collection(tuple()) True >>> is_collection(set()) True >>> is_collection(a for a in range(100)) True .. versionchanged:: 1.5.5 UserList are collections. ''' from xoutil.collections import UserList from xoutil.eight import range return isinstance(maybe, (tuple, range, list, set, frozenset, GeneratorType, UserList))
def is_mapping(maybe): '''Test `maybe` to see if it is a valid mapping.''' return isinstance(maybe, (Mapping, MappingProxyType))
[docs]def is_string_like(maybe): '''Returns True if `maybe` acts like a string''' try: maybe + "" except TypeError: return False else: return True
[docs]def is_scalar(maybe): '''Returns True if `maybe` is a string, an int, or some other scalar type (i.e not an iterable.) ''' return is_string_like(maybe) or not is_iterable(maybe)
[docs]def is_staticmethod(desc, name=_unset): '''Returns true if a `method` is a static method. This function takes the same arguments as :func:`is_classmethod`. ''' if name: desc = mro_dict(desc).get(name, None) return isinstance(desc, staticmethod)
[docs]def is_classmethod(desc, name=_unset): '''Returns true if a `method` is a class method. :param desc: This may be the method descriptor or the class that holds the method, in the second case you must provide the `name` of the method. .. note:: Notice that in the first case what is needed is the **method descriptor**, i.e, taken from the class' `__dict__` attribute. If instead you pass something like ``cls.methodname``, this method will return False whilst :func:`is_instancemethod` will return True. :param name: The name of the method, if the first argument is the class. ''' if name: desc = mro_dict(desc).get(name, None) return isinstance(desc, classmethod)
[docs]def is_instancemethod(desc, name=_unset): '''Returns true if a given `method` is neither a static method nor a class method. This function takes the same arguments as :func:`is_classmethod`. ''' if name: desc = mro_dict(desc).get(name, None) return isinstance(desc, FunctionType)
[docs]def is_slotwrapper(desc, name=_unset): '''Returns True if a given `method` is a slot wrapper (i.e. a method that is builtin in the `object` base class). This function takes the same arguments as :func:`is_classmethod`. ''' if name: desc = mro_dict(desc).get(name, None) return isinstance(desc, SlotWrapperType)
[docs]def is_module(maybe): '''Returns True if `maybe` is a module.''' return isinstance(maybe, ModuleType)
[docs]class Required(object): '''A type for required fields in scenarios where a default is not possible. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
# Real "Py4k" signature ``are_instances(*subjects, types)``.
[docs]def are_instances(*args): '''Return True if every `subject` is an instance of (any) `types`. :param subjects: All but last positional arguments. Are the objects required to be instances of `types`. :param types: The last positional argument. Either a single type or a sequence of types. This must meet the conditions on the last argument of `isinstance`:func:. :returns: True or False. True if for every `subject`, ``isinstance(subject, types)`` is True. Otherwise, False. If no `subjects` are provided return True:: >>> are_instances(int) True .. seealso:: The function :func:`no_instances` allows to test for subjects not being instances of types. ''' if not args: raise TypeError('are_instances requires at least an argument') subjects, types = args[:-1], args[-1] if not subjects: isinstance(None, types) # HACK: always validate `types`. return all(isinstance(subject, types) for subject in subjects)
# Real Py4k signature ``are_instances(*subjects, types)``self.
[docs]def no_instances(*args): '''Return True if every `subject` is **not** an instance of (neither) `types`. :param subjects: All but last positional arguments. Are the objects required not to be instances of `types`. :param types: The last positional argument. Either a single type or a sequence of types. This must meet the conditions on the last argument of `isinstance`:func:. :returns: True or False. True if for every `subject`, ``isinstance(subject, types)`` is False. Otherwise, False. If no `subjects` are provided return True:: >>> no_instances(int) True .. note:: This is not the same as ``not are_instances(...)``. This function requires that *no* subject is an instance of `types`. Negating :func:`are_instances` would be True if *any* subject is not an instance of `types`. ''' if not args: raise TypeError('no_instances requires at least an argument') subjects, types = args[:-1], args[-1] if not subjects: isinstance(None, types) # HACK: always validate `types`. return all(not isinstance(subject, types) for subject in subjects)