xoutil.eight.exceptions - Exceptions handling compatibility

Solve compatibility issues for exceptions handling.

Python 2 defines a module named exceptions but Python 3 doesn’t. We decided not to implement something similar, for example, in xoutil.future package because all these exception classes are built-ins in both Python major versions, so use any of them directly; nevertheless StandardError is undefined in Python 3, we introduce some adjustments here in base classes (BaseException and StandardError classes).

The functions catch() and throw() unify syntax differences raising exceptions. In Python 2 the syntax for raise is:

"raise" [type ["," value ["," traceback]]]

and in Python 3:

"raise" [error[.with_traceback(traceback)] ["from" cause]]

You can use catch() as a function to wrap errors going to be raised with a homogeneous syntax using a trace extra argument:

>>> divisor = 0
>>> try:
...     inverted = 1/divisor
... except Exception:
...     raise catch(ValueError('Invalid divisor.'))

If you want to be completely compatible raising exceptions with trace-backs, use the throw() function instead the raise statement.


Check an error to settle trace-back information if found.

Parameters:self – The exception to check.
xoutil.eight.exceptions.caught = <xoutil.tasking.AutoLocal object>

Last caught trace context, see catch().

xoutil.eight.exceptions.grab(self=None, trace=None)[source]

Prepare an error being raised with a trace-back and/or a cause.

  • self – The exception to be raised or None to capture the current trace context for future use.
  • trace – Could be a trace-back, a cause (exception instance), or both in a tuple (or list) with (cause, traceback). If None, use the current system exception info as the trace (see sys.exc_info() built-in function).

This function create a syntax for raise statement, compatible for both major Python versions.

xoutil.eight.exceptions.throw(error, tb=None)[source]

Unify syntax for raising an error with trace-back information.

Instead of using the Python raise statement, use throw(error, tb). If tb argument is not given, the trace-back information is looked up in the context.


Get the trace-back information of the given error.

Return None if not defined.

xoutil.eight.exceptions.with_cause(self, cause)[source]

set self.__cause__ to cause and return self.

xoutil.eight.exceptions.with_traceback(self, tb)[source]

set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.