xoutil.clipping - Object string representation protocol

Complements for object string representation protocol.

There are contexts that using str or repr protocol would be inadequate because shorter string representations are expected (e.g. formatting recursive objects in pprint standard module that they have a new Boolean parameter in Python 3 named compact).

There is a protocol to complement operators used by standard string representation functions (__str__, __repr__) by defining a new one with name __crop__. This operator will receive some extra parameters with default values, see crop() function for details.

xoutil.clipping.crop(obj, max_width=None, canonical=False)[source]

Return a reduced string representation of obj.

Classes can now define a new special attribute __crop__. It can be a string (or unicode in Python 2). Or a method:

def __crop__(self, max_width=None, canonical=False):

If the obj does not implement the __crop__ protocol, a standard one is computed.

  • max_width – Maximum length for the resulting string. If is not given, defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH.
  • canonical – If True repr() protocol must be used instead str() (the default).

New in version 1.8.0.

xoutil.clipping.crop_iterator(obj, max_width=None, canonical=False)[source]

Return a reduced string representation of the iterator obj.

See crop() function for a more general tool.

If max_width is not given, defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH.

New in version 1.8.0.