xoutil.eight.io - Extensions to Python’s io module

Extensions to Python’s io module.

You may use it as drop-in replacement of io. Although we don’t document all items here. Refer to io documentation.

In Python 2, buil-int open() is different from io.open(); in Python 3 are the same function.

So, generated files with the built-in funtion in Python 2, can not be processed using abc types, for example:

f = open('test.rst')
assert isinstance(f, io.IOBase)

will fail in Python 2 and not in Python 3.

Another incompatibilities:

  • file type doesn’t exists in Python 3.
  • Python 2 instances created with io.StringIO:class`, or with io.open() using text mode, don’t accept str values, so it will be better to use any of the standards classes (StringIO.StringIO, cStringIO.StringIO or open() built-in).

New in version 1.7.0.


Return if obj is a valid file type or not.