Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Merchise Autrement [~º/~] and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can do what the LICENCE file allows you to.

"""Extensions to the `functools` module from the Python's standard library.

You may use this module as drop-in replacement of `functools`.

from functools import *  # noqa
from functools import _CacheInfo  # noqa

# TODO: Check relevance of the following function.
# The real signature should be (*funcs, times)
[docs]def power(*args): """Returns the "power" composition of several functions. Examples:: >>> import operator >>> f = power(partial(operator.mul, 3), 3) >>> f(23) == 3*(3*(3*23)) True >>> power(operator.neg) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: power() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given) """ from import compose from import check_count check_count(args, 2, caller="power") *funcs, times = args if any(not callable(func) for func in funcs): raise TypeError("Arguments of `power`, but last, must be callables") if not (isinstance(times, int) and times > 0): raise TypeError("Last argument of `power` must be a positive integer") if len(funcs) > 1: base = (compose(funcs),) else: base = (funcs[0],) return compose(*(base * times))
[docs]def lwraps(*args, **kwargs): """Lambda wrapper. Useful for decorate lambda functions with name and documentation. As positional arguments could be passed the function to be decorated and the name in any order. So the next two ``identity`` definitions are equivalents:: >>> from import lwraps as lw >>> identity = lw('identity', lambda arg: arg) >>> identity = lw(lambda arg: arg, 'identity') As keyword arguments could be passed some special values, and any number of literal values to be assigned: - **name**: The name of the function (``__name__``); only valid if not given as positional argument. - **doc**: The documentation (``__doc__`` field). - **wrapped**: An object to extract all values not yet assigned. These values are ('__module__', '__name__' and '__doc__') to be assigned, and '__dict__' to be updated. If the function to decorate is present in the positional arguments, this same argument function is directly returned after decorated; if not a decorator is returned similar to standard `wraps`:func:. For example:: >>> from import lwraps as lw >>> is_valid_age = lw('is-valid-human-age', lambda age: 0 < age <= 120, ... doc=('A predicate to evaluate if an age is ' ... 'valid for a human being.') >>> @lw(wrapped=is_valid_age) ... def is_valid_working_age(age): ... return 18 < age <= 70 >>> is_valid_age(16) True >>> is_valid_age(200) False >>> is_valid_working_age(16) False .. versionadded:: 1.7.0 """ from types import FunctionType, MethodType from import check_count from import Unset def repeated(name): msg = "lwraps got multiple values for argument '{}'" raise TypeError(msg.format(name)) def settle_str(name, value): if value is not Unset: if isinstance(value, str): if name not in source: source[name] = value else: repeated(name) else: msg = 'lwraps expecting string for "{}", {} found' raise TypeError(msg.format(name, type(value).__name__)) methods = (staticmethod, classmethod, MethodType) decorables = methods + (FunctionType,) name_key = "__name__" doc_key = "__doc__" mod_key = "__module__" safes = {name_key, mod_key} source = {} target = Unset count = len(args) check_count(count, 0, 2, caller="lwraps") i = 0 while i < count: arg = args[i] if isinstance(arg, str): settle_str(name_key, arg) elif isinstance(arg, decorables): if target is Unset: target = arg else: repeated("target-function") else: msg = "lwraps arg {} must be a string or decorable function" raise TypeError(msg.format(i)) i += 1 wrapped = kwargs.pop("wrapped", Unset) settle_str(name_key, kwargs.pop("name", Unset)) settle_str(name_key, kwargs.pop(name_key, Unset)) settle_str(doc_key, kwargs.pop("doc", Unset)) settle_str(doc_key, kwargs.pop(doc_key, Unset)) source.update(kwargs) if wrapped is not Unset: # TODO: Check the type of `wrapped` to find these attributes in # disparate callable objects similarly with functions. for name in (mod_key, name_key, doc_key): if name not in source: source[str(name)] = getattr(wrapped, name) d = source.setdefault("__dict__", {}) d.update(wrapped.__dict__) def wrapper(target): if isinstance(target, decorables): res = target if isinstance(target, methods): target = target.__func__ for name in (mod_key, name_key, doc_key): if name in source: value = source.pop(name) if name in safes: value = str(value) setattr(target, str(name), value) d = source.pop("__dict__", Unset) if d: target.__dict__.update(d) for key in source: setattr(target, key, source[key]) return res else: msg = "only functions are decorated, not {}" raise TypeError(msg.format(type(target).__name__)) return wrapper(target) if target else wrapper
# TODO: Next code could be removed. # func.__name__ = string.force(name) # if doc: # func.__doc__ = doc # return func
[docs]def curry(f): """Return a function that automatically 'curries' is positional arguments. Example:: >>> add = curry(lambda x, y: x + y) >>> add(1)(2) 3 >>> add(1, 2) 3 >>> add()()()(1, 2) 3 """ from import getfullargspec fargs = getfullargspec(f)[0] def curried(cargs=None): if cargs is None: cargs = [] def inner(*args, **kwargs): cargs_ = cargs + list(args) if len(cargs_) < len(fargs): return curried(cargs_) else: return f(*cargs_, **kwargs) return inner return curried()