xotl.tools.decorator.meta - Decorator-making facilities

Decorator-making facilities.

This module provides a signature-keeping version of the xotl.tools.decorators.decorator(), which is now deprecated in favor of this module’s version.

We scinded the decorator-making facilities from decorators per se to allow the module xotl.tools.deprecation to be used by decorators and at the same time, implement the decorator deprecated() more easily.


Eases the creation of decorators with arguments. Normally a decorator with arguments needs three nested functions like this:

def decorator(*decorator_arguments):
    def real_decorator(target):
        def inner(*args, **kwargs):
            return target(*args, **kwargs)
        return inner
    return real_decorator

This decorator reduces the need of the first level by comprising both into a single function definition. However it does not removes the need for an inner function:

>>> @decorator
... def plus(target, value):
...    from functools import wraps
...    @wraps(target)
...    def inner(*args):
...        return target(*args) + value
...    return inner

>>> @plus(10)
... def ident(val):
...     return val

>>> ident(1)

A decorator with default values for all its arguments (except, of course, the first one which is the decorated target) may be invoked without parenthesis:

>>> @decorator
... def plus2(func, value=1, missing=2):
...    from functools import wraps
...    @wraps(func)
...    def inner(*args):
...        print(missing)
...        return func(*args) + value
...    return inner

>>> @plus2
... def ident2(val):
...     return val

>>> ident2(10)

But (if you like) you may place the parenthesis:

>>> @plus2()
... def ident3(val):
...     return val

>>> ident3(10)

However, this is not for free, you cannot pass a single positional argument which type is a function:

>>> def p():
...    print('This is p!!!')

>>> @plus2(p)   
... def dummy():
...    print('This is dummy')
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: p() takes ...

The workaround for this case is to use a keyword argument.