Source code for xoutil.eight._types

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Merchise Autrement [~º/~] and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can do what the LICENCE file allows you to.

'''Some functions implemented in module ``types`` in Python 3 but not in
Python 2 needed for '_meta*' implementation.


from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_imports)

__all__ = ['new_class', 'prepare_class', '_calculate_meta', 'get_exec_body']

    from types import new_class
except ImportError:
    # Provide a PEP 3115 compliant mechanism for class creation.  Used in
    # xoutil.eight.meta.metaclass
    # Taken from Python 3.3 code-base.
[docs] def new_class(name, bases=(), kwds=None, exec_body=None): """Create a class object dynamically using the appropriate metaclass. """ meta, ns, kwds = prepare_class(name, bases, kwds) if exec_body is not None: exec_body(ns) return meta(name, bases, ns, **kwds)
try: from types import prepare_class except ImportError:
[docs] def prepare_class(name, bases=(), kwds=None): """Call the __prepare__ method of the appropriate metaclass. Returns (metaclass, namespace, kwds) as a 3-tuple *metaclass* is the appropriate metaclass *namespace* is the prepared class namespace *kwds* is an updated copy of the passed in kwds argument with any 'metaclass' entry removed. If no kwds argument is passed in, this will be an empty dict. """ from xoutil.eight import typeof if kwds is None: kwds = {} else: kwds = dict(kwds) # Don't alter the provided mapping meta = kwds.pop('metaclass', None) if not meta: meta = typeof(bases[0]) if bases else type if isinstance(meta, type): # when meta is a type, we first determine the most-derived # metaclass instead of invoking the initial candidate directly meta = _calculate_meta(meta, bases) if hasattr(meta, '__prepare__'): ns = meta.__prepare__(name, bases, **kwds) else: ns = {} return meta, ns, kwds
try: from types import _calculate_meta except ImportError: # XXX: Remove all these `continue` statements def _calculate_meta(meta, bases): """Calculate the most derived metaclass.""" from xoutil.eight import typeof, class_types old_cls = next((cls for cls in class_types if cls is not type), None) winner = meta for base in bases: base_meta = typeof(base) if issubclass(winner, base_meta): continue if issubclass(base_meta, winner): winner = base_meta continue # else: raise TypeError("metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived " "class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the " "metaclasses of all its bases") if winner is not old_cls: return winner else: msg = ("Error when calling the metaclass bases\n\t" "a new-style class can't have only classic bases") raise TypeError(msg) try: from types import MappingProxyType except ImportError: from collections import Mapping class mappingproxy(Mapping): '''Python 3 compatible implementation for Python 2 'DictProxyType'. `DictProxyType`:class: can't be used as a simple alias because there are some Python 3 code that create instances. ''' __slots__ = ('_mapping',) def __init__(self, mapping): from xoutil.eight import type_name as tname from xoutil.future.collections import Mapping if isinstance(mapping, Mapping): self._mapping = mapping else: msg = '{}() argument must be a mapping, not {}' raise TypeError(msg.format(tname(self), tname(mapping))) def __len__(self): return len(self._mapping) def __str__(self): return str(dict(self)) def __repr__(self): return '{0.__class__.__name__}({0._mapping!r})'.format(self) def items(self): from xoutil.future.collections import ItemsView try: items = type(self._mapping).__dict__['items'] if items is not dict.__dict__['items']: return items(self._mapping) else: return ItemsView(self) except KeyError: return ItemsView(self) def keys(self): from xoutil.future.collections import KeysView try: keys = type(self._mapping).__dict__['keys'] if keys is not dict.__dict__['keys']: return keys(self._mapping) else: return KeysView(self) except KeyError: return KeysView(self) def values(self): from xoutil.future.collections import ValuesView try: values = type(self._mapping).__dict__['values'] if values is not dict.__dict__['values']: return values(self._mapping) else: return ValuesView(self) except KeyError: return ValuesView(self) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._mapping) def get(self, key, default=None): return self._mapping.get(key, default) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._mapping def copy(self): return self._mapping.copy() def __getitem__(self, key): return self._mapping[key] def __dir__(self): return dir(type(type.__dict__)) MappingProxyType = mappingproxy def get_exec_body(**kwargs): '''Return an `exec_body` function that update `ns` with `kwargs`.''' def exec_body(ns): ns.update(kwargs) return ns return exec_body