xoutil.future.datetime - Basic date and time types

This module extends the standard library’s datetime. You may use it as a drop-in replacement in many cases.

Avoid importing * from this module since could be different in Python 2.7 and Python 3.3.

In Pytnon versions <= 3 date format fails for several dates, for example date(1800, 1, 1).strftime("%Y"). So, classes date and datetime are redefined if that case.

This problem could be solved by redefining the strftime function in the time module, because it is used for all strftime methods; but (WTF), Python double checks the year (in each method and then again in time.strftime function).


Make sure that a date or datetime instance is a safe version.

With safe it’s meant that will use the adapted subclass on this module or the standard if these weren’t generated.

Classes that could be assured are: date, datetime, time and timedelta.

We added the following features.


Format a timedelta using a smart pretty algorithm.

Only two levels of values will be printed.

>>> def t(h, m):
...     return timedelta(hours=h, minutes=m)

>>> strfdelta(t(4, 56)) == '4h 56m'
xoutil.future.datetime.strftime(dt, fmt)[source]

Used as strftime method of date and datetime redefined classes.

Also could be used with standard instances.


Given a reference date, returns the first date of the same month. If ref is not given, then uses current date as the reference.


Given a reference date, returns the last date of the same month. If ref is not given, then uses current date as the reference.

xoutil.future.datetime.get_next_month(ref=None, lastday=False)[source]

Get the first or last day of the next month.

If lastday is False return the first date of the next month. Otherwise, return the last date.

The next month is computed with regards to a reference date. If ref is None, take the current date as the reference.


>>> get_next_month(date(2017, 1, 23))
date(2017, 2, 1)
>>> get_next_month(date(2017, 1, 23), lastday=True)
date(2017, 2, 28)

New in version 1.7.3.

xoutil.future.datetime.is_full_month(start, end)[source]

Returns true if the arguments comprises a whole month.

class xoutil.future.datetime.flextime[source]
xoutil.future.datetime.daterange([start, ]stop[, step])[source]

Similar to standard ‘range’ function, but for date objets.

Returns an iterator that yields each date in the range of [start, stop), not including the stop.

If start is given, it must be a date (or datetime) value; and in this case only stop may be an integer meaning the numbers of days to look ahead (or back if stop is negative).

If only stop is given, start will be the first day of stop’s month.

step, if given, should be a non-zero integer meaning the numbers of days to jump from one date to the next. It defaults to 1. If it’s positive then stop should happen after start, otherwise no dates will be yielded. If it’s negative stop should be before start.

As with range, stop is never included in the yielded dates.

class xoutil.future.datetime.DateField(name, nullable=False)[source]

A simple descriptor for dates.

Ensures that assigned values must be parseable dates and parses them.

class xoutil.future.datetime.TimeSpan(start_date=None, end_date=None)[source]

A continuous span of time.

Time spans objects are iterable. They yield exactly two times: first the start date, and then the end date:

>>> ts = TimeSpan('2017-08-01', '2017-09-01')
>>> tuple(ts)
(date(2017, 8, 1), date(2017, 9, 1))

Time spans objects have two items:

>>> ts[0]
date(2017, 8, 1)

>>> ts[1]
date(2017, 9, 1)

>>> ts[:]
(date(2017, 8, 1), date(2017, 9, 1))

Two time spans are equal if their start_date and end_date are equal. When comparing a time span with a date, the date is coerced to a time span (from_date()).

A time span with its start set to None is unbound to the past. A time span with its end set to None is unbound to the future. A time span that is both unbound to the past and the future contains all possible dates. A time span that is not unbound in any direction is bound .

A bound time span is valid if its start date comes before its end date.

Time spans can intersect, compared for containment of dates and by the subset/superset order operations (<=, >=). In this regard, they represent the set of dates between start and end, inclusively.


Time spans don’t implement the union or difference operations expected in sets because the difference/union of two span is not necessarily continuous.

classmethod from_date(date)[source]

Return a new time span that covers a single date.


True if the time span is not bound into the past.


True if the time span is not bound into the future.


True if the time span is unbound into the past or unbount into the future or both.


True if the time span is not unbound.


A bound time span is valid if it starts before it ends.

Unbound time spans are always valid.


True if other is a superset.


An alias for __le__().


True if other is a subset.


An alias for __ge__().


An alias for __ge__().


Test if the time spans overlaps.


Get the time span that is the intersection with another time span.

If two time spans don’t overlap, return the empty time span.

If other is not a TimeSpan we try to create one. If other is a date, we create the TimeSpan that starts and end that very day. Other types are passed unchanged to the constructor.


An alias for __and__().


Return self [& other1 & ...].


Return the time span displaced to the past in delta.

Parameters:delta – The number of days to displace. It can be either an integer or a datetime.timedelta. The integer will be converted to timedelta(days=delta).


Delta values that don’t amount to at least a day will be the same as 0.

New in version 1.8.2.


Python does have a boundaries for the dates it can represent, so displacing a TimeSpan can cause OverflowError.


Return the time span displaced to the future in delta.

Parameters:delta – The number of days to displace. It can be either an integer or a datetime.timedelta. The integer will be converted to timedelta(days=delta).


Delta values that don’t amount to at least a day will be the same as 0.

New in version 1.8.2.


Python does have a boundaries for the dates it can represent, so displacing a TimeSpan can cause OverflowError.


The amount of dates in the span.


If the time span is unbound this method returns NotImplemented. This will make python complain with a TypeError.

New in version 1.8.2.


The empty time span. It’s not an instance of TimeSpan but engage set-like operations: union, intersection, etc.

No date is a member of the empty time span. The empty time span is a proper subset of any time span. It’s only a superset of itself. It’s not a proper superset of any other time span nor itself.

This instance is a singleton.