xoutil.html.parser – A simple parser that can handle HTML and XHTML

Deprecated since version 1.8.0.

This module defines a class HTMLParser which serves as the basis for parsing text files formatted in HTML (HyperText Mark-up Language) and XHTML.


This module has not being made Python 2.7 and 3.2 compatible.

class xoutil.html.parser.HTMLParser(strict=True)

Create a parser instance. If strict is True (the default), invalid HTML results in HTMLParseError exceptions [1]. If strict is False, the parser uses heuristics to make a best guess at the intention of any invalid HTML it encounters, similar to the way most browsers do. Using strict=False is advised.

An :class`HTMLParser` instance is fed HTML data and calls handler methods when start tags, end tags, text, comments, and other markup elements are encountered. The user should subclass HTMLParser and override its methods to implement the desired behavior.

This parser does not check that end tags match start tags or call the end-tag handler for elements which are closed implicitly by closing an outer element.

Changed in version 3.2: strict keyword added

class xoutil.html.parser.HTMLParseError

Exception raised by the HTMLParser class when it encounters an error while parsing and strict is True. This exception provides three attributes: msg is a brief message explaining the error, lineno is the number of the line on which the broken construct was detected, and offset is the number of characters into the line at which the construct starts.