Source code for xoutil.annotate

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Merchise Autrement [~º/~] and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can do what the LICENCE file allows you to.

'''Provides Python 3k forward-compatible (`3107`:pep:) annotations.'''

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_import)

from re import compile as _regex_compile
from ast import parse as _ast_parse

from xoutil.future.functools import partial
_ast_parse = partial(_ast_parse, filename="<annotations>", mode="eval")

from xoutil.decorator.meta import decorator

__all__ = ['annotate']

_SIGNATURE = _regex_compile(r'''(?ixm)
                            \(              # Required opening for the argumens
                            \)\s*           # Required close

_ARG_SEP = _regex_compile(r'(?im)^\*{0,2}(?P<argname>[_\w\d]+)\s*:')

def _split_signature(signature):
    from xoutil.eight import string_types as strs
    signature = (signature.strip() if isinstance(signature, strs) else '')
    if signature:
        matches = _SIGNATURE.match(signature)
        return '', None

def _parse_signature(signature):
    def _split_annotation_expression(expr):
        match = _ARG_SEP.match(expr)
        if not match:
            raise SyntaxError('Invalid signature expression %r' % expr)
        argname ='argname')
        expr = expr[match.end():].lstrip()
        if not argname:
            raise SyntaxError('The signature %r is not valid' % expr)
            # This is a hack to help not implement an expression parser for
            # Python
            node = _ast_parse(expr)
            return argname, node, ''  # We consumed the whole expression
        except SyntaxError as error:
            # This probably will be a:
            #    ..., varname: expr...
            #                ^
            offset = error.offset
            while offset > 0 and expr[offset] != ',':
                offset -= 1
            if offset > 0 and expr[offset] == ',':
                return (argname, _ast_parse(expr[:offset]),
                        expr[offset + 1:].lstrip())

    class l(object):  # noqa: E742
        '''A locals implementation that skip some levels up in order to
        protect annotation's own locals.

        def __init__(self, init={}, skip_levels=5):
            import sys
            # XXX: This code is very fragile, but is the "right" thing to do
            #      in order not to leak implementation-related local variables.
            #      Any lower number will yield wrong results. For instance if
            #      skip_levels is 2, in the following case::
            #          >>> args = 'args'
            #          >>> @annotate('(a: args)')
            #          ... def d():
            #          ...   pass
            #      The annotation for `a` would actually get the tuple
            #      containing the string signature cause in its own
            #      implementation `annotate` uses an `args` local variable::
            #          >>> d.__annotations__
            #          {'a': ('(a: args)',)}
            # XXX: In fact, I should check that this does not create memory
            # references cycles with frames and stuff as noticed in the
            # CPython documentation; notwithstanding that, python's garbage
            # collector may get rid of unreachable objects, even with loops.
            self.f = f = sys._getframe(skip_levels)
            self.f_globals = f.f_globals
            self.d = dict(init)

        def __getitem__(self, key):
            from xoutil.symbols import Unset
            from xoutil.future.itertools import dict_update_new
            from xoutil.eight import python_version
            d = self.d
            res = d.get(key, Unset)
            f = self.f
            if res is Unset and f:
                f_globals = self.f_globals
                if python_version == 3:
                    # FIXME: This modifies f_globals! Use f_builtins of the
                    # frame.

                    # In Py3k (at least Python 3.2) builtins are not directly
                    # in f_globals but inside a __builtins__ key.
                    builtins = f_globals.get('__builtins__', {})
                    dict_update_new(f_globals, builtins)
                while f and res is Unset:
                    dict_update_new(d, f.f_locals)
                    res = d.get(key, Unset)
                    f = self.f = f.f_back
                if res is Unset and f_globals:
                    dict_update_new(d, f_globals)
                    res = d.get(key, Unset)
                    # At this point there's no use to keep the reference to
                    # frames since we have reached back to the global context,
                    # so it's best to clear of reference to the last frame
                    # in order to keep this CPython-friendly.
                    self.f = None
                    self.f_globals = None
            if res:
                return res
                raise KeyError

    args, return_annotation = _split_signature(signature)
    while args:
        arg, expr, args = _split_annotation_expression(args)
        code = compile(expr, '', 'eval')
        # Don't put our globals but, just calling-frames globals
        yield arg, eval(code, None, l())
    if return_annotation:
        yield 'return', eval(return_annotation, globals(), l())

[docs]@decorator def annotate(func, signature=None, **keyword_annotations): '''Annotates a function with a Python 3k forward-compatible ``__annotations__`` mapping. See `3107`:pep: for more details about annotations. :param signature: A string with the annotated signature of the decorated function. This string should follow the annotations syntax in `3107`:pep:. But there are several deviations from the PEP text: - There's no support for the full syntax of Python 2 expressions; in particular nested arguments are not supported since they are deprecated and are not valid in Py3k. - Specifying defaults is no supported (nor needed). Defaults are placed in the signature of the function. - In the string it makes no sense to put an argument without an annotation, so this will raise an exception (SyntaxError). :param keyword_annotations: These are each mapped to a single annotation. Since you can't include the 'return' keyword argument for the annotation related with the return of the function, we provide several alternatives: if any of the following keywords arguments is provided (tested in the given order): 'return_annotation', '_return', '__return'; then it will be considered the 'return' annotation, the rest will be regarded as other annotations. In any of the previous cases, you may provide more (or less) annotations than possible by following the PEP syntax. This is not considered an error, since the PEP allows annotations to be modified by others means. If you provide a signature string **and** keywords annotations, the keywords will take precedence over the signature:: >>> @annotate('() -> list', return_annotation=tuple) ... def otherfunction(): ... pass >>> otherfunction.__annotations__.get('return') is tuple True When parsing the `signature` the locals and globals in the context of the declaration are taken into account:: >>> interface = object # let's mock of ourselves >>> class ISomething(interface): ... pass >>> @annotate('(a: ISomething) -> ISomething') ... def somewhat(a): ... return a >>> somewhat.__annotations__.get('a') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <class '...ISomething'> ''' from xoutil.objects import pop_first_of func.__annotations__ = annotations = getattr(func, '__annotations__', {}) if signature: annotations.update({argname: value for argname, value in _parse_signature(signature)}) probes = ('return_annotation', '_return', '__return') return_annotation_kwarg = pop_first_of(keyword_annotations, *probes) if return_annotation_kwarg: annotations['return'] = return_annotation_kwarg annotations.update(keyword_annotations) return func