Source code for xoutil.modules

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Merchise Autrement [~º/~] and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can do what the LICENCE file allows you to.

'''Modules utilities.'''

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_import)

from types import ModuleType

# TODO: Implement the concept of module descriptor

[docs]def force_module(ref=None): '''Load a module from a string or return module if already created. If `ref` is not specified (or integer) calling module is assumed looking in the stack. .. note:: Implementation detail Function used to inspect the stack is not guaranteed to exist in all implementations of Python. ''' from importlib import import_module from xoutil.eight import type_name if isinstance(ref, ModuleType): return ref else: if ref is None: ref = 1 if isinstance(ref, int): import sys frame = sys._getframe(ref) try: ref = frame.f_globals['__name__'] finally: # As recommended to avoid memory leaks del frame if not isinstance(ref, str): if isinstance(ref, bytes): ref = ref.decode() # Python 3.x else: try: ref = ref.encode() # Python 2.x except Exception: # TODO: @med which exceptions expected? msg = "invalid type '{}' for module name '{}'" raise TypeError(msg.format(type_name(ref), ref)) return import_module(ref)
# TODO: Deprecate this method in favor of ``from <module> import *``
[docs]def copy_members(source=None, target=None): '''Copy module members from `source` to `target`. It's common in `xoutil` package to extend Python modules with the same name, for example `xoutil.datetime` has all public members of Python's `datetime`. `copy_members`:func: can be used to copy all members from the original module to the extended one. :param source: string with source module name or module itself. If not given, is assumed as the last module part name of `target`. :param target: string with target module name or module itself. If not given, target name is looked in the stack of caller module. :returns: Source module. :rtype: `ModuleType` .. warning:: Implementation detail Function used to inspect the stack is not guaranteed to exist in all implementations of Python. ''' target = force_module(target or 2) if source is None: source = target.__name__.rsplit('.')[-1] if source == target.__name__: msg = '"source" and "target" modules must be different.' raise ValueError(msg) source = force_module(source) for attr in dir(source): if not attr.startswith('__'): setattr(target, attr, getattr(source, attr)) return source
class _CustomModuleBase(ModuleType): pass
[docs]def customize(module, custom_attrs=None, meta=None): '''Replaces a `module` by a custom one. Injects all kwargs into the newly created module's class. This allows to have module into which we may have properties or other type of descriptors. :param module: The module object to customize. :param custom_attrs: A dictionary of custom attributes that should be injected in the customized module. .. versionadded:: 1.4.2 Changes the API, no longer uses the ``**kwargs`` idiom for custom attributes. :param meta: The metaclass of the module type. This should be a subclass of `type`. We will actually subclass this metaclass to properly inject `custom_attrs` in our own internal metaclass. :returns: A tuple of ``(module, customized, class)`` with the module in the first place, `customized` will be True only if the module was created (i.e `customize`:func: is idempotent), and the third item will be the class of the module (the first item). ''' if not isinstance(module, _CustomModuleBase): import sys from xoutil.eight.meta import metaclass meta_base = meta if meta else type class CustomModuleType(meta_base): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): if custom_attrs: attrs.update(custom_attrs) return super(CustomModuleType, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) class CustomModule(metaclass(CustomModuleType), _CustomModuleBase): def __getattr__(self, attr): self.__dict__[attr] = result = getattr(module, attr) return result def __dir__(self): res = set(dir(module)) if custom_attrs: res |= set(custom_attrs.keys()) return list(res) sys.modules[module.__name__] = result = CustomModule(module.__name__) return result, True, CustomModule else: return module, False, type(module)
[docs]def modulemethod(func): '''Decorator that defines a module-level method. Simply a module-level method, will always receive a first argument `self` with the module object. ''' import sys from functools import wraps self, _created, cls = customize(sys.modules[func.__module__]) @wraps(func) def inner(*args, **kwargs): return func(self, *args, **kwargs) setattr(cls, func.__name__, func) return inner
[docs]def moduleproperty(getter, setter=None, deleter=None, doc=None, base=property): '''Decorator that creates a module-level property. The module of the `getter` is replaced by a custom implementation of the module, and the property is injected to the custom module's class. The parameter `base` serves the purpose of changing the base for the property. For instance, this allows you to have `memoized_properties <xoutil.objects.memoized_property>`:func: at the module-level:: def memoized(self): return self memoized = moduleproperty(memoized, base=memoized_property) .. versionadded:: 1.6.1 Added the `base` parameter. ''' import sys module = sys.modules[getter.__module__] module, _created, cls = customize(module) class prop(base): if getattr(base, 'setter', False): def setter(self, func, _name=None): result = super(prop, self).setter(func) setattr(cls, _name or func.__name__, result) return result if getattr(base, 'deleter', False): def deleter(self, func, _name=None): result = super(prop, self).deleter(func) setattr(cls, _name or func.__name__, result) return result result = prop(getter, doc=doc) name = getter.__name__ setattr(cls, getter.__name__, result) if setter: result = result.setter(setter, _name=name) if deleter: result = result.deleter(deleter, _name=name) return result
[docs]def get_module_path(module): '''Gets the absolute path of a `module`. :param module: Either module object or a (dotted) string for the module. :returns: The path of the module. If the module is a package, returns the directory path (not the path to the ``__init__``). If `module` is a string and it's not absolute, raises a TypeError. ''' from importlib import import_module from xoutil.fs.path import normalize_path from xoutil.eight import string_types as strs mod = import_module(module) if isinstance(module, strs) else module # The __path__ only exists for packages and does not include the # path = mod.__path__[0] if hasattr(mod, '__path__') else mod.__file__ return normalize_path(path)