Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Merchise Autrement [~º/~] and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can do what the LICENCE file allows you to.

'''Utilities for command-line interface (CLI) applications.

- `program_name`:func:\ : calculate the program name from "sys.argv[0]".

- `command_name`:func:\ : calculate command names using class names in lower
   case inserting a hyphen before each new capital letter.


from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_import)

[docs]def hyphen_name(name, join_numbers=True): '''Convert a name to a hyphened slug. Expects a `name` in Camel-Case. All invalid characters (those invalid in Python identifiers) are ignored. Numbers are joined with preceding part when `join_numbers` is True. For example:: >>> hyphen_name('BaseNode') == 'base-node' True >> hyphen_name('--__ICQNámeP12_34Abc--') == 'icq-name-p12-34-abc' True >> hyphen_name('ICQNámeP12', join_numbers=False) == 'icq-name-p-12' True ''' import re from xoutil.eight.string import force_ascii name = force_ascii(name) regex = re.compile('[^A-Za-z0-9]+') name = regex.sub('-', name) regex = re.compile('([A-Z]+|[a-z]+|[0-9]+|-)') all = regex.findall(name) i, count, parts = 0, len(all), [] while i < count: part = all[i] if part != '-': upper = 'A' <= part <= 'Z' if upper: part = part.lower() j = i + 1 if j < count and upper and 'a' <= all[j] <= 'z': aux = part[:-1] if aux: parts.append(aux) part = part[-1] + all[j] i = j j += 1 if j < count and '0' <= all[j] <= '9' and join_numbers: part = part + all[j] i = j parts.append(part) i += 1 return '-'.join(parts)
[docs]def program_name(): '''Calculate the program name from "sys.argv[0]".''' # TODO: Use 'argparse' standard (parser.prog) import sys from os.path import basename return basename(sys.argv[0])
[docs]def command_name(cls): '''Calculate a command name from given class. Names are calculated putting class names in lower case and inserting hyphens before each new capital letter. For example "MyCommand" will generate "my-command". It's defined as an external function because a class method don't apply to minimal commands (those with only the "run" method). Example:: >>> class SomeCommand: ... pass >>> command_name(SomeCommand) == 'some-command' True If the command class has an attribute `command_cli_name`, this will be used instead:: >>> class SomeCommand: ... command_cli_name = 'adduser' >>> command_name(SomeCommand) == 'adduser' True It's an error to have a non-string `command_cli_name` attribute:: >>> class SomeCommand: ... command_cli_name = None >>> command_name(SomeCommand) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Attribute 'command_cli_name' must be a string. ''' from xoutil.eight import string_types unset = object() names = ('command_cli_name', '__command_name__') i, res = 0, unset while i < len(names) and res is unset: name = names[i] res = getattr(cls, names[i], unset) if res is unset: i += 1 elif not isinstance(res, string_types): raise TypeError("Attribute '{}' must be a string.".format(name)) if res is unset: res = hyphen_name(cls.__name__) return res