Source code for xoutil.cpystack

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (c) Merchise Autrement [~º/~] and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can do what the LICENCE file allows you to.

'''Utilities to inspect the CPython's stack.'''

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        absolute_import as _py3_imports)

import inspect

from xoutil.eight import python_version
from xoutil.deprecation import deprecated

__all__ = ('MAX_DEEP', 'getargvalues', 'error_info',
           'object_info_finder', 'object_finder', 'track_value',
           'iter_stack', 'iter_frames')


[docs]def getargvalues(frame): '''Inspects the given frame for arguments and returns a dictionary that maps parameters names to arguments values. If an `*` argument was passed then the key on the returning dictionary would be formatted as `<name-of-*-param>[index]`. For example in the function:: >>> def autocontained(a, limit, *margs, **ks): ... import sys ... return getargvalues(sys._getframe()) >>> autocontained(1, 12)['limit'] 12 >>> autocontained(1, 2, -10, -11)['margs[0]'] -10 ''' from xoutil.values.simple import force_sequence_coerce as array from xoutil.future.itertools import flatten pos, args, kwds, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) res = {} for keys in pos: if keys: res.update({key: values[key] for key in flatten(array(keys))}) if args: i = 0 for item in values[args]: res['%s[%s]' % (args, i)] = item i += 1 if kwds: res.update(values[kwds]) return res
if python_version < 3: getargvalues.__doc__ += """ In Python 2.7, packed arguments also works:: >>> def nested((x, y), radius): ... import sys ... return getargvalues(sys._getframe()) >>> nested((1, 2), 12)['y'] 2 """ def __error_info(tb, *args, **kwargs): '''Internal function used by `error_info`:func: and `printable_error_info`:func:. ''' # TODO: Formalize tests for this ALL = True res = [] kwargs.update(dict.fromkeys(args, ALL)) if kwargs: deep = 0 processed = set() while tb and (deep < MAX_DEEP): frame = tb.tb_frame func_name = frame.f_code.co_name attrs1 = kwargs.get(func_name, None) attrs2 = kwargs.get(deep, None) if attrs1 or attrs2: processed.add(func_name) processed.add(deep) if (attrs1 is ALL) or (attrs2 is ALL): attrs = ALL else: attrs = list(attrs1) if attrs1 else [] if attrs2: attrs.extend(attrs2) if attrs is ALL: item = frame.f_locals.copy() else: item = {key: frame.f_locals.get(key) for key in attrs} item['function-name'] = func_name item['traceback-deep'] = deep item['line-number'] = tb.tb_lineno item['file-name'] = frame.f_code.co_filename res.append(item) tb = tb.tb_next deep += 1 for item in processed: if item in kwargs: del kwargs[item] if kwargs: res['unprocessed-items'] = kwargs return res
[docs]def error_info(*args, **kwargs): '''Get error information in current trace-back. No all trace-back are returned, to select which are returned use: - ``args``: Positional parameters - If string, represent the name of a function. - If an integer, a trace-back level. Return all values. - ``kwargs``: The same as ``args`` but each value is a list of local names to return. If a value is ``True``, means all local variables. Return a list with a dict in each item. Example:: >>> def foo(x): ... x += 1//x ... if x % 2: ... bar(x - 1) ... else: ... bar(x - 2) >>> def bar(x): ... x -= 1//x ... if x % 2: ... foo(x//2) ... else: ... foo(x//3) >>> try: # doctest: +SKIP ... foo(20) ... except: ... print(printable_error_info('Example', foo=['x'], bar=['x'])) Example ERROR: integer division or modulo by zero ... ''' import sys _error_type, _error, tb = sys.exc_info() return __error_info(tb, *args, **kwargs)
def printable_error_info(base, *args, **kwargs): '''Get error information in current trace-back. No all trace-back are returned, to select which are returned use: - ``args``: Positional parameters - If string, represent the name of a function. - If an integer, a trace-back level. Return all values. - ``kwargs``: The same as ``args`` but each value is a list of local names to return. If a value is ``True``, means all local variables. Return a formatted string with all information. See `error_info`:func: for an example. ''' import sys _error_type, error, tb = sys.exc_info() if tb: res = '%s\n\tERROR: %s\n\t' % (base, error) info = __error_info(tb, *args, **kwargs) return res + '\n\t'.join(str(item) for item in info) else: return ''
[docs]def object_info_finder(obj_type, arg_name=None, max_deep=MAX_DEEP): '''Find an object of the given type through all arguments in stack frames. Returns a tuple with the following values: (arg-value, arg-name, deep, frame). When no object is found None is returned. Arguments: object_type: a type or a tuple of types as in "isinstance". arg_name: the arg_name to find; if None find in all arguments max_deep: the max deep to enter in the stack frames. ''' frame = inspect.currentframe() try: deep = 0 res = None while (res is None) and (deep < max_deep) and (frame is not None): ctx = getargvalues(frame) d = {arg_name: ctx.get(arg_name)} if arg_name is not None else ctx for key in d: value = d[key] if isinstance(value, obj_type): res = (value, key, deep, frame) frame = frame.f_back deep += 1 return res finally: del frame # As recommended in the Python's doc to avoid memory leaks
[docs]def object_finder(obj_type, arg_name=None, max_deep=MAX_DEEP): '''Find an object of the given type through all arguments in stack frames. The difference with `object_info_finder`:func: is that this function returns the object directly, not a tuple. ''' finder = object_info_finder(obj_type, arg_name, max_deep) info = finder() return info[0] if info else None
[docs]def track_value(value, max_deep=MAX_DEEP): '''Find a value through all arguments in stack frames. Returns a dictionary with the full-context in the same level as "value". ''' frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back deep = 0 res = None while (res is None) and (deep < max_deep) and (frame is not None): ctx = getargvalues(frame) for _key in ctx: _value = ctx[_key] if (type(value) == type(_value)) and (value == _value): res = (ctx, _key) frame = frame.f_back deep += 1 return res
[docs]def iter_stack(max_deep=MAX_DEEP): '''Iterates through stack frames until exhausted or `max_deep` is reached. To find a frame fulfilling a condition use:: frame = next(f for f in iter_stack() if condition(f)) .. versionadded:: 1.6.8 ''' # Using the previous pattern, functions `object_info_finder`, # `object_finder` and `track_value` can be reprogrammed or deprecated. frame = inspect.currentframe() try: deep = 0 while (deep < max_deep) and (frame is not None): yield frame frame = frame.f_back deep += 1 finally: del frame # As recommended in the Python's doc to avoid memory leaks
[docs]@deprecated(iter_stack) def iter_frames(max_deep=MAX_DEEP): '''Iterates through all stack frames. Returns tuples with the following:: (deep, filename, line_no, start_line). .. versionadded:: 1.1.3 .. deprecated:: 1.6.8 The use of params `attr_filter` and `value_filter`. ''' # TODO: @manu Use this in all previous functions with same structure frame = inspect.currentframe() try: deep = 0 while (deep < max_deep) and (frame is not None): yield (deep, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, frame.f_code.co_firstlineno, frame.f_locals) frame = frame.f_back deep += 1 finally: del frame # As recommended in the Python's doc to avoid memory leaks
del deprecated