Source code for xoutil.future.datetime

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Merchise Autrement [~º/~] and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can do what the LICENCE file allows you to.

'''Extends the standard `datetime` module.

- Python's ``datetime.strftime`` doesn't handle dates previous to 1900.
  This module define classes to override `date` and `datetime` to support the
  formatting of a date through its full proleptic Gregorian date range.

Based on code submitted to comp.lang.python by Andrew Dalke, copied from
Django and generalized.

You may use this module as a drop-in replacement of the standard library
`datetime` module.


from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_imports)

import sys

from datetime import *    # noqa
from datetime import timedelta
import datetime as _stdlib    # noqa

from re import compile as _regex_compile
from time import strftime as _time_strftime

#: Simple constants for .weekday() method
class WEEKDAY:
    MONDAY = 0
    TUESDAY = 1
    THURSDAY = 3
    FRIDAY = 4
    SATURDAY = 5
    SUNDAY = 6

    MONDAY = 1
    TUESDAY = 2
    THURSDAY = 4
    FRIDAY = 5
    SATURDAY = 6
    SUNDAY = 7

    date(1800, 1, 1).strftime("%Y")    # noqa
except ValueError:
    # This happens in Pytnon 2.7, I was considering to replace `strftime`
    # function from `time` module, that is used for all `strftime` methods;
    # but (WTF), Python double checks the year (in each method and then again
    # in `time.strftime` function).

    class date(
        __doc__ =

        def strftime(self, fmt):
            return strftime(self, fmt)

        def __sub__(self, other):
            return assure(super().__sub__(other))

    class datetime(_stdlib.datetime):
        __doc__ = _stdlib.datetime.__doc__

        def strftime(self, fmt):
            return strftime(self, fmt)

        def __sub__(self, other):
            return assure(super().__sub__(other))

        def combine(self, date, time):
            return assure(super().combine(date, time))

        def date(self):
            return assure(super().date())

        def now(tz=None):
            return assure(super(datetime, datetime).now(tz=tz))

    def assure(obj):
        '''Make sure that a `date` or `datetime` instance is a safe version.

        With safe it's meant that will use the adapted subclass on this module
        or the standard if these weren't generated.

        Classes that could be assured are: `date`, `datetime`, `time` and

        t = type(obj)
        name = t.__name__
        if name == date.__name__:
            return obj if t is date else date(*obj.timetuple()[:3])
        elif name == datetime.__name__:
            if t is datetime:
                return obj
                args = obj.timetuple()[:6] + (obj.microsecond, obj.tzinfo)
                return datetime(*args)
        elif isinstance(obj, (_stdlib.time, timedelta)):
            return obj
            raise TypeError('Not valid type for datetime assuring: %s' % name)
[docs] def assure(obj): '''Make sure that a `date` or `datetime` instance is a safe version. This is only a type checker alternative to standard library. ''' if isinstance(obj, (date, datetime, _stdlib.time, timedelta)): return obj else: raise TypeError('Not valid type for datetime assuring: %s' % obj)
from xoutil.deprecation import deprecated # noqa @deprecated(assure) def new_date(d): '''Generate a safe date from a legacy datetime date object.''' return date(d.year, d.month, @deprecated(assure) def new_datetime(d): '''Generate a safe datetime given a legacy date or datetime object.''' args = [d.year, d.month,] if isinstance(d, datetime.__base__): # legacy datetime args.extend([d.hour, d.minute, d.second, d.microsecond, d.tzinfo]) return datetime(*args) del deprecated # This library does not support strftime's "%s" or "%y" format strings. # Allowed if there's an even number of "%"s because they are escaped. _illegal_formatting = _regex_compile(br"((^|[^%])(%%)*%[sy])") def _year_find_all(fmt, year, no_year_tuple): text = _time_strftime(fmt, (year,) + no_year_tuple) regex = _regex_compile(str(year)) return {match.start() for match in regex.finditer(text)} _TD_LABELS = 'dhms' # days, hours, minutes, seconds def _strfnumber(number, format_spec='%0.2f'): '''Convert a floating point number into string using a smart way. Used internally in strfdelta. ''' res = format_spec % number if '.' in res: res = res.rstrip('0') if res.endswith('.'): res = res[:-1] return res
[docs]def strfdelta(delta): ''' Format a timedelta using a smart pretty algorithm. Only two levels of values will be printed. :: >>> def t(h, m): ... return timedelta(hours=h, minutes=m) >>> strfdelta(t(4, 56)) == '4h 56m' True ''' ss, sss = str('%s%s'), str(' %s%s') if delta.days: days = delta.days delta -= timedelta(days=days) hours = delta.total_seconds() / 60 / 60 res = ss % (days, _TD_LABELS[0]) if hours >= 0.01: res += sss % (_strfnumber(hours), _TD_LABELS[1]) else: seconds = delta.total_seconds() if seconds > 60: minutes = seconds / 60 if minutes > 60: hours = int(minutes / 60) minutes -= hours * 60 res = ss % (hours, _TD_LABELS[1]) if minutes >= 0.01: res += sss % (_strfnumber(minutes), _TD_LABELS[2]) else: minutes = int(minutes) seconds -= 60 * minutes res = ss % (minutes, _TD_LABELS[2]) if seconds >= 0.01: res += sss % (_strfnumber(seconds), _TD_LABELS[3]) else: res = ss % (_strfnumber(seconds, '%0.3f'), _TD_LABELS[3]) return res
[docs]def strftime(dt, fmt): '''Used as `strftime` method of `date` and `datetime` redefined classes. Also could be used with standard instances. ''' if dt.year >= 1900: bases = type(dt).mro() i = 0 base = _strftime = type(dt).strftime while _strftime == base: aux = getattr(bases[i], 'strftime', base) if aux != base: _strftime = aux else: i += 1 return _strftime(dt, fmt) else: illegal_formatting = if illegal_formatting is None: year = dt.year # For every non-leap year century, advance by 6 years to get into # the 28-year repeat cycle delta = 2000 - year year += 6 * (delta // 100 + delta // 400) year += ((2000 - year) // 28) * 28 # Move to around the year 2000 no_year_tuple = dt.timetuple()[1:] sites = _year_find_all(fmt, year, no_year_tuple) sites &= _year_find_all(fmt, year + 28, no_year_tuple) res = _time_strftime(fmt, (year,) + no_year_tuple) syear = "%04d" % dt.year for site in sites: res = res[:site] + syear + res[site + 4:] return res else: msg = 'strftime of dates before 1900 does not handle %s' raise TypeError(msg %
def parse_date(value=None): if value: y, m, d = value.split('-') return date(int(y), int(m), int(d)) else: return def parse_datetime(value=None): '''Parse a datime in format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM[:SS][.MS]'. The hour-minute component is mandatory. ''' if value: d, t = value.split() y, m, d = d.split('-') if '.' in t: moment, ms = t.split('.') else: moment, ms = t, '0' timing = moment.split(':') if len(timing) == 2: h, mn = timing s = 0 elif len(timing) == 3: h, mn, s = timing else: raise ValueError('Invalid time string %r' % t) return datetime( int(y), int(m), int(d), int(h), int(mn), int(s), int(ms) ) else: return
[docs]def get_month_first(ref=None): '''Given a reference date, returns the first date of the same month. If `ref` is not given, then uses current date as the reference. ''' aux = ref or y, m = aux.year, aux.month return date(y, m, 1)
[docs]def get_month_last(ref=None): '''Given a reference date, returns the last date of the same month. If `ref` is not given, then uses current date as the reference. ''' aux = ref or y, m = aux.year, aux.month if m == 12: m = 1 y += 1 else: m += 1 return date(y, m, 1) - timedelta(1)
[docs]def get_next_month(ref=None, lastday=False): '''Get the first or last day of the *next month*. If `lastday` is False return the first date of the `next month`. Otherwise, return the last date. The *next month* is computed with regards to a reference date. If `ref` is None, take the current date as the reference. Examples: >>> get_next_month(date(2017, 1, 23)) date(2017, 2, 1) >>> get_next_month(date(2017, 1, 23), lastday=True) date(2017, 2, 28) .. versionadded:: 1.7.3 ''' result = get_month_last(ref) + timedelta(days=1) if lastday: return get_month_last(result) else: return result
[docs]def is_full_month(start, end): '''Returns true if the arguments comprises a whole month. ''' sd, sm, sy =, start.month, start.year em, ey = end.month, end.year return ((sd == 1) and (sm == em) and (sy == ey) and (em != (end + timedelta(1)).month))
[docs]class flextime(timedelta): @classmethod def parse_simple_timeformat(cls, which): if 'h' in which: hour, rest = which.split('h') else: hour, rest = 0, which return int(hour), int(rest), 0 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): first = None if args: first, rest = args[0], args[1:] _super = super().__new__ if first and not rest and not kwargs: hour, minutes, seconds = cls.parse_simple_timeformat(first) return _super(cls, hours=hour, minutes=minutes, seconds=seconds) else: return _super(cls, *args, **kwargs)
# TODO: Merge this with the new time span.
[docs]def daterange(*args): '''Similar to standard 'range' function, but for date objets. Returns an iterator that yields each date in the range of ``[start, stop)``, not including the stop. If `start` is given, it must be a date (or `datetime`) value; and in this case only `stop` may be an integer meaning the numbers of days to look ahead (or back if `stop` is negative). If only `stop` is given, `start` will be the first day of stop's month. `step`, if given, should be a non-zero integer meaning the numbers of days to jump from one date to the next. It defaults to ``1``. If it's positive then `stop` should happen after `start`, otherwise no dates will be yielded. If it's negative `stop` should be before `start`. As with `range`, `stop` is never included in the yielded dates. ''' import operator # Use base classes to allow broader argument values from datetime import date, datetime if len(args) == 1: start, stop, step = None, args[0], None elif len(args) == 2: start, stop = args step = None else: start, stop, step = args if not step and step is not None: raise ValueError('Invalid step value %r' % step) if not start: if not isinstance(stop, (date, datetime)): raise TypeError('stop must a date if start is None') else: start = get_month_first(stop) else: if stop is not None and not isinstance(stop, (date, datetime)): stop = start + timedelta(days=stop) if step is None or step > 0: compare = else: compare = step = timedelta(days=(step if step else 1)) # Encloses the generator so that signature validation exceptions happen # without needing to call next(). def _generator(): current = start while stop is None or compare(current, stop): yield current current += step return _generator()
[docs]class DateField: '''A simple descriptor for dates. Ensures that assigned values must be parseable dates and parses them. ''' def __init__(self, name, nullable=False): = name self.nullable = nullable def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is not None: res = instance.__dict__[] return res else: return self def __set__(self, instance, value): from datetime import datetime as dt, date if value in (None, False): # We regard False as None, so that working with Odoo is easier: # missing values in Odoo, often come as False instead of None. if not self.nullable: raise ValueError('Setting None to a required field') else: value = None elif isinstance(value, dt): value = elif not isinstance(value, date): value = parse_date(value) instance.__dict__[] = value
class DateTimeField(object): '''A simple descriptor for datetimes. Ensures that assigned values must be parseable date or datetime and parses them. If `prefer_last_minute` is False when converting from date, the time component will be '00:00:00', if True, the time component will be '23:59:59'. .. versionadded:: 1.9.7 ''' def __init__(self, name, nullable=False, prefer_last_minute=False): = name self.nullable = nullable self.prefer_last_minute = prefer_last_minute def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is not None: res = instance.__dict__[] return res else: return self def __set__(self, instance, value): import datetime as stdlib if value in (None, False): # We regard False as None, so that working with Odoo is easier: # missing values in Odoo, often come as False instead of None. if not self.nullable: raise ValueError('Setting None to a required field') else: value = None elif isinstance(value, stdlib.datetime): # needed because datetime is subclass of date, and the next # condition would match. pass elif isinstance(value, if not self.prefer_last_minute: value = stdlib.datetime(value.year, value.month, else: value = stdlib.datetime(value.year, value.month,, 23, 59, 59) else: try: value = parse_datetime(value) except ValueError: value = parse_date(value) self.__set__(instance, value) # lazy me return instance.__dict__[] = value
[docs]class TimeSpan: '''A *continuous* span of time. Time spans objects are iterable. They yield exactly two times: first the start date, and then the end date:: >>> ts = TimeSpan('2017-08-01', '2017-09-01') >>> tuple(ts) (date(2017, 8, 1), date(2017, 9, 1)) Time spans objects have two items:: >>> ts[0] date(2017, 8, 1) >>> ts[1] date(2017, 9, 1) >>> ts[:] (date(2017, 8, 1), date(2017, 9, 1)) Two time spans are equal if their start_date and end_date are equal. When comparing a time span with a date, the date is coerced to a time span (`from_date`:meth:). .. note:: Comparing time spans with date time spans `coerces the time span <DateTimeSpan.from_timespan>`:meth: before comparing. A time span with its `start` set to None is unbound to the past. A time span with its `end` set to None is unbound to the future. A time span that is both unbound to the past and the future contains all possible dates. A time span that is not unbound in any direction is `bound <bound>`:attr:. A bound time span is `valid`:attr: if its start date comes before its end date. Time spans can `intersect <__mul__>`:meth:, compared for containment of dates and by the subset/superset order operations (``<=``, ``>=``). In this regard, they represent the *set* of dates between `start` and `end`, inclusively. .. warning:: Time spans don't implement the union or difference operations expected in sets because the difference/union of two span is not necessarily *continuous*. ''' start_date = DateField('start_date', nullable=True) end_date = DateField('end_date', nullable=True) def __init__(self, start_date=None, end_date=None): self.start_date = start_date self.end_date = end_date
[docs] @classmethod def from_date(self, date): # type: (date) -> TimeSpan '''Return a new time span that covers a single `date`.''' return self(start_date=date, end_date=date)
@property def past_unbound(self): # type: () -> bool 'True if the time span is not bound into the past.' return self.start_date is None @property def future_unbound(self): # type: () -> bool 'True if the time span is not bound into the future.' return self.end_date is None @property def unbound(self): # type: () -> bool '''True if the time span is `unbound into the past <past_unbound>`:attr: or `unbount into the future <future_unbound>`:attr: or both. ''' return self.future_unbound or self.past_unbound @property def bound(self): # type: () -> bool 'True if the time span is not `unbound <unbound>`:attr:.' return not self.unbound @property def valid(self): # type: () -> bool '''A bound time span is valid if it starts before it ends. Unbound time spans are always valid. ''' if self.bound: return self.start_date <= self.end_date else: return True
[docs] def __contains__(self, other): # type: (date) -> bool '''Test date `other` is in the time span.''' from datetime import date if isinstance(other, date): if self.start_date and self.end_date: return self.start_date <= other <= self.end_date elif self.start_date: return self.start_date <= other elif self.end_date: return other <= self.end_date else: return True else: return False
[docs] def overlaps(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> bool '''Test if the time spans overlaps.''' return bool(self & other)
[docs] def isdisjoint(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> bool return not self.overlaps(other)
[docs] def __le__(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> bool 'True if `other` is a superset.' return (self & other) == self
issubset = __le__ def __lt__(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> bool 'True if `other` is a proper superset.' return self != other and self <= other def __gt__(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> bool 'True if `other` is a proper subset.' return self != other and self >= other
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> bool 'True if `other` is a subset.' # Notice that ge is not the opposite of lt. return (self & other) == other
issuperset = covers = __ge__ def __iter__(self): # type: () -> Iterator[date, date] yield self.start_date yield self.end_date def __getitem__(self, index): # type: (int) -> date this = tuple(self) return this[index] def __eq__(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> bool import datetime if isinstance(other, other = type(self).from_date(other) elif isinstance(other, DateTimeSpan): return other == self if not isinstance(other, TimeSpan): return NotImplemented return (self.start_date == other.start_date and self.end_date == other.end_date) def __hash__(self): return hash((TimeSpan, self.start_date, self.end_date))
[docs] def __and__(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> TimeSpan '''Get the time span that is the intersection with another time span. If two time spans don't overlap, return `EmptyTimeSpan`:data:. If `other` is not a TimeSpan we try to create one. If `other` is a date, we create the TimeSpan that starts and end that very day. Other types are passed unchanged to the constructor. When `other` is a `DateTimeSpan`:class:, convert `self` to a `date time span <DateTimeSpan.from_timespan>`:meth: before doing the intersection. ''' import datetime from xoutil.infinity import Infinity if isinstance(other, _EmptyTimeSpan): return other elif isinstance(other, other = TimeSpan.from_date(other) elif isinstance(other, DateTimeSpan): return other & self elif not isinstance(other, TimeSpan): raise TypeError("Invalid type '%s'" % type(other).__name__) start = max( self.start_date or -Infinity, other.start_date or -Infinity ) end = min( self.end_date or Infinity, other.end_date or Infinity ) if start <= end: if start is -Infinity: start = None if end is Infinity: end = None return type(self)(start, end) else: return EmptyTimeSpan
__mul__ = __rmul__ = __rand__ = __and__ def __bool__(self): return True __nonzero__ = __bool__
[docs] def __len__(self): '''The amount of dates in the span. .. warning:: If the time span is `unbound`:attr: this method returns NotImplemented. This will make python complain with a TypeError. .. versionadded:: 1.8.2 ''' if self.bound: return (self.end_date - self.start_date).days else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __lshift__(self, delta): '''Return the time span displaced to the past in `delta`. :param delta: The number of days to displace. It can be either an integer or a `datetime.timedelta`:class:. The integer will be converted to ``timedelta(days=delta)``. .. note:: Delta values that don't amount to at least a day will be the same as 0. .. versionadded:: 1.8.2 .. warning:: Python does have a boundaries for the dates it can represent, so displacing a TimeSpan can cause OverflowError. ''' import numbers if isinstance(delta, numbers.Integral): delta = timedelta(days=delta) # noqa start = self.start_date - delta if self.start_date else None end = self.end_date - delta if self.end_date else None return type(self)(start, end)
[docs] def __rshift__(self, delta): '''Return the time span displaced to the future in `delta`. :param delta: The number of days to displace. It can be either an integer or a `datetime.timedelta`:class:. The integer will be converted to ``timedelta(days=delta)``. .. note:: Delta values that don't amount to at least a day will be the same as 0. .. versionadded:: 1.8.2 .. warning:: Python does have a boundaries for the dates it can represent, so displacing a TimeSpan can cause OverflowError. ''' return self << -delta
[docs] def intersection(self, *others): 'Return ``self [& other1 & ...]``.' import operator from functools import reduce return reduce(operator.mul, others, self)
[docs] def diff(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> Tuple[TimeSpan, TimeSpan] '''Return the two time spans which (combined) contain all the dates in `self` which are not in `other`. Notice this method returns a tuple of exactly two items. If `other` and `self` don't overlap, return ``(self, EmptyTimeSpan)``. If ``self <= other`` is True, return the tuple with the empty time span in both positions. Otherwise `self` will have some dates which are not in `other`; there are possible three cases: a) other starts before or at self's start date; return the empty time span and the time span containing the dates after `other.end_date` up to `self.end_date` b) other ends at or after self's end date; return the dates from `self.start_date` up to the date before `other.start_date` and the empty time span. c) `other` is fully contained in `self`; return two non-empty time spans as in the previous cases. .. versionadded:: 1.9.7 ''' if not self & other: return self, EmptyTimeSpan other = self & other if self == other: return EmptyTimeSpan, EmptyTimeSpan else: assert self > other day = timedelta(days=1) if self.start_date == other.start_date: return (EmptyTimeSpan, TimeSpan(other.end_date + day, self.end_date)) elif self.end_date == other.end_date: return (TimeSpan(self.start_date, other.start_date - day), EmptyTimeSpan) else: return (TimeSpan(self.start_date, other.start_date - day), TimeSpan(other.end_date + day, self.end_date))
def __repr__(self): start, end = self return 'TimeSpan(%r, %r)' % (start.isoformat() if start else None, end.isoformat() if end else None)
class _EmptyTimeSpan: __slots__ = [] # no inner structure def __bool__(self): return False __nonzero__ = __bool__ def __contains__(self, which): return False # I don't contain noone # The empty is equal only to itself def __eq__(self, which): from datetime import date if isinstance(which, (TimeSpan, date, _EmptyTimeSpan)): # We expect `self` to be a singleton, but pickle protocol 1 does # not warrant to call our __new__. return self is which else: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): res = self == other if res is not NotImplemented: return not res else: return res # The empty set is a subset of any other set. dates are regarded as the # set that contains that def __le__(self, which): from datetime import date if isinstance(which, (TimeSpan, date, _EmptyTimeSpan)): return True else: return NotImplemented # The empty set is only a superset of itself. __ge__ = covers = __eq__ # The empty set is a *proper* subset of any set but itself. The empty # set is disjoint with any other set but itself. __lt__ = isdisjoint = __ne__ # The empty set is a *proper* superset of no one def __gt__(self, which): from datetime import date if isinstance(which, (TimeSpan, date, _EmptyTimeSpan)): return True else: return NotImplemented # `empty | x == empty + x == x` def __add__(self, which): from datetime import date if isinstance(which, (TimeSpan, date, _EmptyTimeSpan)): return which else: raise TypeError __or__ = __add__ # `empty & x == empty * x == empty` def __mul__(self, other): from datetime import date if isinstance(other, (TimeSpan, date, _EmptyTimeSpan)): return self else: raise TypeError __and__ = __mul__ def __repr__(self): return 'EmptyTimeSpan' def __new__(cls): res = getattr(cls, '_instance', None) if res is None: res = cls._instance = super().__new__(cls) return res def __reduce__(self): # So that unpickling returns the singleton return type(self), () def __len__(self): return 0 def __lshift__(self, delta): return self def __rshift__(self, delta): return self EmptyTimeSpan = _EmptyTimeSpan() # TODO: Move this to xoutil.objects or somewhere else class SynchronizedField(object): '''A synchronized descriptor. Whenever the `source` gets updated, update the second. ''' def __init__(self, descriptor, setting_descriptor, set_throu_get=True): self.descriptor = descriptor self.setting_descriptor = setting_descriptor self.set_throu_get = set_throu_get def __get__(self, instance, owner): return self.descriptor.__get__(instance, owner) def __set__(self, instance, value): from xoutil.context import context self.descriptor.__set__(instance, value) if (SynchronizedField, self.setting_descriptor) not in context: with context((SynchronizedField, self.setting_descriptor)): if self.set_throu_get: value = self.__get__(instance, type(instance)) self.setting_descriptor.__set__(instance, value)
[docs]class DateTimeSpan(TimeSpan): '''A *continuous* span of time (with datetime at each boundary). `DateTimeSpan`:class: is a minor extension of `TimeSpan`:class:, and is a subclass. DateTimeSpan objects are iterable. They yield exactly two datetimes: first the start date, and then the end date:: >>> ts = DateTimeSpan('2017-08-01 11:00', '2017-09-01 23:00') >>> tuple(ts) (datetime(2017, 8, 1, 11, 0), date(2017, 9, 1, 23, 0)) The API of DateTimeSpan is just the natural transformation of the API of `TimeSpan`:class:. The `start_date` and `end_date` attributes are interlocked with the `start_datetime` and `end_datetime`. By changing `start_date`, you also change `start_datetime` with the same date at 00:00 without tzinfo. By setting `start_datetime` you also update `start_date`. By setting `end_date` you also update `end_datetime` with the same date at 23:59:59 without tzinfo. .. versionadded:: 1.9.7 .. warning:: DateTimeSpan is provided on a provisional basis. Future releases can change its API or remove it completely. ''' start_datetime = SynchronizedField( DateTimeField('start_datetime', nullable=True), TimeSpan.start_date, ) end_datetime = SynchronizedField( DateTimeField('end_datetime', nullable=True, prefer_last_minute=True), TimeSpan.end_date, ) start_date = SynchronizedField( TimeSpan.start_date, start_datetime.descriptor, ) end_date = SynchronizedField( TimeSpan.end_date, end_datetime.descriptor, ) def __init__(self, start_datetime=None, end_datetime=None): # Don't call super because our fields are synchronized. self.start_datetime = start_datetime self.end_datetime = end_datetime
[docs] @classmethod def from_datetime(self, dt): # type: (datetime) -> DateTimeSpan '''Return a new date time span that covers a single `datetime`. If `dt` is actually a date, the start_datetime will be at '00:00:00' and the end_datetime will be at '23:59:59'. ''' return self(start_datetime=dt, end_datetime=dt)
[docs] @classmethod def from_timespan(self, ts): # type: (TimeSpan) -> DateTimeSpan '''Return a new date time span from a timespan. Notice the start datetime will be set at '00:00:00' and the end datetime at '23:59:59'. If `ts` is already a DateTimeSpan, return it unchanged. ''' if isinstance(ts, DateTimeSpan): return ts else: return self(start_datetime=ts.start_date, end_datetime=ts.end_date)
@property def past_unbound(self): # type: () -> bool 'True if the time span is not bound into the past.' return self.start_datetime is None @property def future_unbound(self): # type: () -> bool 'True if the time span is not bound into the future.' return self.end_datetime is None @property def unbound(self): # type: () -> bool '''True if the time span is `unbound into the past <past_unbound>`:attr: or `unbount into the future <future_unbound>`:attr: or both. ''' return self.future_unbound or self.past_unbound @property def bound(self): # type: () -> bool 'True if the time span is not `unbound <unbound>`:attr:.' return not self.unbound @property def valid(self): # type: () -> bool '''A bound time span is valid if it starts before it ends. Unbound time spans are always valid. ''' if self.bound: return self.start_datetime <= self.end_datetime else: return True
[docs] def __contains__(self, other): # type: (date) -> bool '''Test if datetime `other` is in the datetime span. If `other` is a ``:class:, we convert it to a naive datetime at midnight (00:00:00). ''' from datetime import date, datetime if isinstance(other, date): if not isinstance(other, datetime): other = datetime(other.year, other.month, if self.start_datetime and self.end_datetime: return self.start_datetime <= other <= self.end_datetime elif self.start_datetime: return self.start_datetime <= other elif self.end_datetime: return other <= self.end_datetime else: return True else: return False
[docs] def overlaps(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> DateTimeSpan '''Test if the time spans overlaps.''' return bool(self & other)
[docs] def isdisjoint(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> bool return not self.overlaps(other)
[docs] def __le__(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> bool 'True if `other` is a superset.' return (self & other) == self
issubset = __le__ def __lt__(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> bool 'True if `other` is a proper superset.' return self != other and self <= other def __gt__(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> bool 'True if `other` is a proper subset.' return self != other and self >= other
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> bool 'True if `other` is a subset.' # Notice that ge is not the opposite of lt. return (self & other) == other
issuperset = covers = __ge__ def __iter__(self): # type: () -> Iterator[datetime] yield self.start_datetime yield self.end_datetime def __getitem__(self, index): # type: (int) -> datetime this = tuple(self) return this[index] def __eq__(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> bool import datetime if isinstance(other, other = type(self).from_datetime(other) elif isinstance(other, TimeSpan) and \ not isinstance(other, DateTimeSpan): # noqa other = self.from_timespan(other) elif not isinstance(other, DateTimeSpan): return NotImplemented return (self.start_datetime == other.start_datetime and self.end_datetime == other.end_datetime) def __hash__(self): return hash((DateTimeSpan, self.start_datetime, self.end_datetime))
[docs] def __and__(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> DateTimeSpan '''Get the date time span that is the intersection with another time span. If two time spans don't overlap, return the object `EmptyTimeSpan`:any:. If `other` is not a DateTimeSpan we try to create one. If `other` is a date/datetime, we create use `from_datetime`:meth:. If `other` is TimeSpan we use `from_timespan`:meth:. Other types are passed unchanged to the constructor. ''' import datetime from xoutil.infinity import Infinity if isinstance(other, _EmptyTimeSpan): return other elif isinstance(other, other = DateTimeSpan.from_datetime(other) elif isinstance(other, TimeSpan): other = DateTimeSpan.from_timespan(other) elif not isinstance(other, TimeSpan): raise TypeError("Invalid type '%s'" % type(other).__name__) start = max( self.start_datetime or -Infinity, other.start_datetime or -Infinity ) end = min( self.end_datetime or Infinity, other.end_datetime or Infinity ) if start <= end: if start is -Infinity: start = None if end is Infinity: end = None return type(self)(start, end) else: return EmptyTimeSpan
__mul__ = __rmul__ = __rand__ = __and__ def __bool__(self): # type: () -> bool return True __nonzero__ = __bool__
[docs] def __lshift__(self, delta): # type: (Union[int, timedelta]) -> DateTimeSpan '''Return the date time span displaced to the past in `delta`. :param delta: The number of days to displace. It can be either an integer or a `datetime.timedelta`:class:. The integer will be converted to ``timedelta(days=delta)``. .. warning:: Python does have a boundaries for the dates it can represent, so displacing can cause OverflowError. ''' import numbers if isinstance(delta, numbers.Integral): delta = timedelta(days=delta) start = self.start_datetime - delta if self.start_datetime else None end = self.end_datetime - delta if self.end_datetime else None return type(self)(start, end)
[docs] def __rshift__(self, delta): # type: (Union[int, timedelta]) -> DateTimeSpan '''Return the date time span displaced to the future in `delta`. :param delta: The number of days to displace. It can be either an integer or a `datetime.timedelta`:class:. The integer will be converted to ``timedelta(days=delta)``. .. warning:: Python does have a boundaries for the dates it can represent, so displacing can cause OverflowError. ''' return self << -delta
[docs] def intersection(self, *others): # type: (TimeSpan) -> DateTimeSpan 'Return ``self [& other1 & ...]``.' import operator from functools import reduce return reduce(operator.mul, others, self)
[docs] def diff(self, other): # type: (TimeSpan) -> Tuple[DateTimeSpan, DateTimeSpan] '''Return the two datetime spans which (combined) contain all the seconds in `self` which are not in `other`. Notice this method returns a tuple of exactly two items. If `other` and `self` don't overlap, return ``(self, EmptyTimeSpan)``. If ``self <= other`` is True, return the tuple with the empty time span in both positions. Otherwise `self` will have some datetimes which are not in `other`; there are possible three cases: a) other starts before or at self's start datetime; return the empty time span and the datetime span from the second after `other.end_datetime` up to `self.end_datetime` b) other ends at or after self's end date; return the datetime span from `self.start_datetime` up to the second before `other.start_datetime` and the empty time span. c) `other` is fully contained in `self`; return two non-empty datetime spans as in the previous cases. ''' if not self & other: return self, EmptyTimeSpan other = self & other if self == other: return EmptyTimeSpan, EmptyTimeSpan else: assert self > other sec = timedelta(seconds=1) if self.start_datetime == other.start_datetime: return (EmptyTimeSpan, DateTimeSpan(other.end_datetime + sec, self.end_datetime)) elif self.end_datetime == other.end_datetime: return (DateTimeSpan(self.start_datetime, other.start_datetime - sec), EmptyTimeSpan) else: return (DateTimeSpan(self.start_datetime, other.start_datetime - sec), DateTimeSpan(other.end_datetime + sec, self.end_datetime))
def __repr__(self): start, end = self return 'DateTimeSpan(%r, %r)' % ( start.isoformat().replace('T', ' ') if start else None, end.isoformat().replace('T', ' ') if end else None )
try: timezone # noqa except NameError: # Copied from Python 3.5.2 # TODO: Document this in xoutil class timezone(_stdlib.tzinfo): '''Fixed offset from UTC implementation of tzinfo.''' __slots__ = '_offset', '_name' # Sentinel value to disallow None _Omitted = object() def __new__(cls, offset, name=_Omitted): if not isinstance(offset, timedelta): raise TypeError("offset must be a timedelta") if name is cls._Omitted: if not offset: return cls.utc name = None elif not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("name must be a string") if not cls._minoffset <= offset <= cls._maxoffset: raise ValueError("offset must be a timedelta " "strictly between -timedelta(hours=24) and " "timedelta(hours=24).") if (offset.microseconds != 0 or offset.seconds % 60 != 0): raise ValueError("offset must be a timedelta " "representing a whole number of minutes") return cls._create(offset, name) @classmethod def _create(cls, offset, name=None): self = _stdlib.tzinfo.__new__(cls) self._offset = offset self._name = name return self def __getinitargs__(self): """pickle support""" if self._name is None: return (self._offset,) return (self._offset, self._name) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) != timezone: return False return self._offset == other._offset def __hash__(self): return hash(self._offset) def __repr__(self): """Convert to formal string, for repr(). >>> tz = timezone.utc >>> repr(tz) 'datetime.timezone.utc' >>> tz = timezone(timedelta(hours=-5), 'EST') >>> repr(tz) "datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(-1, 68400), 'EST')" """ if self is self.utc: return 'datetime.timezone.utc' try: qn = self.__class__.__qualname__ # not valid in Python 2 except AttributeError: qn = self.__class__.__name__ if self._name is None: return "%s.%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__module__, qn, self._offset) else: return "%s.%s(%r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__module__, qn, self._offset, self._name) def __str__(self): return self.tzname(None) def utcoffset(self, dt): if isinstance(dt, datetime) or dt is None: return self._offset raise TypeError("utcoffset() argument must be a datetime instance" " or None") def tzname(self, dt): if isinstance(dt, datetime) or dt is None: if self._name is None: return self._name_from_offset(self._offset) return self._name raise TypeError("tzname() argument must be a datetime instance" " or None") def dst(self, dt): if isinstance(dt, datetime) or dt is None: return None raise TypeError("dst() argument must be a datetime instance" " or None") def fromutc(self, dt): if isinstance(dt, datetime): if dt.tzinfo is not self: raise ValueError("fromutc: dt.tzinfo " "is not self") return dt + self._offset raise TypeError("fromutc() argument must be a datetime instance" " or None") _maxoffset = timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59) _minoffset = -_maxoffset @staticmethod def _name_from_offset(delta): if delta < timedelta(0): sign = '-' delta = -delta else: sign = '+' hours, rest = divmod(delta, timedelta(hours=1)) minutes = rest // timedelta(minutes=1) return 'UTC{}{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(sign, hours, minutes) timezone.utc = timezone._create(timedelta(0)) timezone.min = timezone._create(timezone._minoffset) timezone.max = timezone._create(timezone._maxoffset) # _EPOCH = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc) del sys # TODO: this function was intended for a local 'strftime' that it's already # implemented in 'xoutil.future.datetime'. if 'eight' in __name__: def _wrap_strftime(object, format, timetuple): '''Correctly substitute for %z and %Z escapes in strftime formats.''' # from datetime import timedelta import time as _time # Don't call utcoffset() or tzname() unless actually needed. freplace = None # the string to use for %f zreplace = None # the string to use for %z Zreplace = None # the string to use for %Z # Scan format for %z and %Z escapes, replacing as needed. newformat = [] push = newformat.append i, n = 0, len(format) while i < n: ch = format[i] i += 1 if ch == '%': if i < n: ch = format[i] i += 1 if ch == 'f': if freplace is None: freplace = '%06d' % getattr(object, 'microsecond', 0) newformat.append(freplace) elif ch == 'z': if zreplace is None: zreplace = "" if hasattr(object, "utcoffset"): offset = object.utcoffset() if offset is not None: sign = '+' if offset.days < 0: offset = -offset sign = '-' h, m = divmod(offset, timedelta(hours=1)) # not a whole minute assert not m % timedelta(minutes=1) m //= timedelta(minutes=1) zreplace = '%c%02d%02d' % (sign, h, m) assert '%' not in zreplace newformat.append(zreplace) elif ch == 'Z': if Zreplace is None: Zreplace = "" if hasattr(object, "tzname"): s = object.tzname() if s is not None: # strftime is going to have at this: # escape % Zreplace = s.replace('%', '%%') newformat.append(Zreplace) else: push('%') push(ch) else: push('%') else: push(ch) newformat = "".join(newformat) print(newformat, timetuple) return _time.strftime(newformat, timetuple) # def strftime(self, fmt): # Method for class date # "Format using strftime()." # return _wrap_strftime(self, fmt, self.timetuple())